Quit throwing me a Fucking Pity Party

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I rolled over but immediately my body made contact with cold hard tile. I moaned in pain clutching my stomach. My ribs feel like they are literally on fire. I groaned a loud groan and lifted my foot up a little trying to ease the pain in my stomach. I heard thundering footsteps coming down the hall. Autumn peered over the couch at me a look of alarmness coming onto her face.

"Are you OK?" She asked me. I groaned in pain and she chuckled before coming around and taking me slowly by the arm and pulling me up a little.

"Ouch that hurts." I snapped at her. Pain shot through my ribs and I winced when she got me fully off the ground and placed me on the couch. I huffed a little wheezing and coughing. I wiped my mouth and crimson blood was smeared on my hand. I groaned loudly and autumn scurried into the kitchen. She came back with a big gallon sized bag filled with crushed ice.

"Lift your shirt up." She demanded. I slowly lifted my shirt up and she stared at my stomach her mouth wide open.

"What what's wrong?" I asked scared that there would be a blood all over my body. She shook her head and smiled a little.

"Sorry it just took me by surprise with how ripped you are." She laughed. My face burned with embarrassment. I shook my head trying to get rid of the red tint of my cheeks.

"So you're checking me out now huh?" I chuckled. She laughed at me before sitting me down on the couch. I winced from the pain from my stomach. Her hands firmly gripped my shoulders and I stared up at her. Noticing the crinkle in the corner of her eyes that I've grown to actually like and the way her eyes shine with brightness that mine lack. I took her hands off my shoulders and she plopped down beside me.

"Sooooo." She said. There was an awkward silence in the air and I cleared my throat. I heard the doorbell ring and She jumped up to answer it.

"He's up now." She said to someone. Footsteps came in through the hall and Luke stuck his head through the door his expression one of shyness. I winced in pain a little but nodded my head at him.

"Hey man how are you feeling?" He asked sitting down beside me on the couch. He sat down a McDonald's bag and an orange juice on the small black table in front of us. I arched my eyebrows in perplexity.

"What's that?" I asked nodding to the bag and orange juice

"It's breakfast I got you a sausage mcmuffin, two has browns, some pancakes, and some orange juice." He replied easily leaning back into the sofa throwing one arm over the back of it. Autumn came and sat down on the recliner pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her.

"I don't want it." I said agitated.

"Come on Kay you just woke up and I know you're hungry." He said grabbing the bag and held it out to me.

"I don't want it." I repeated. My stomach rumbled in defiance but I held firm and didn't take it from him.

"Why are you being so stubborn just eat the damn food. You are hungry and hurt you don't have energy for arguing right now." Autumn said in irritation. Her eyes were cool and unmoving holding my gaze. I sighed in frustration taking the bag from him. Damn her and her eyes. I took out the sandwich and unwrapped it. I took one bite and I felt her steady gaze on me along with another pair of eyes watching me.

"Can you guys quit staring at me?" I snapped swallowing the food in my mouth. Autumn grabbed the remote and turned on the TV and Luke played games on his cell phone while I ate. After drinking the last of the orange juice Autumn turned to me and said

"You know I'm not letting you go back there right." I stared at her in bewilderment. I looked back at the TV and didn't reply back.

"Kayden I mean it you're not going back there. You can stay in our guest room or something but I refuse to let you go back there and be tre-"

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