Do You Always Have A Stick Up Your Ass?

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I was released from the hospital 3 days later. I will say this I would've rather been in the hospital than here. I was currently in my English class and Mr. Potbelly decides that he wants to call on me for his answer. I don't know why he hasn't learned by now that I really don't like being called on.

"Mr. Black will you just answer the question already we're waiting for the answer." He sighed in exasperation. i rolled my eyes and went back to staring out the window. I could hear a few people snicker in laughter at him as he yelled at me to answer the question or get sent to the principles office.

"Do you always have to make things so difficult?" He questioned in front of my desk. I couldn't help but to respond back with a snarky comment. It was in my true nature.

"Do you always have a stick up your ass?" I could see his face turn all red like a christmas decoration and I save him the trouble of yelling at me to go to the office. I grabbed my jacket and my bag and made my way to the office. I walked inside and saw Ms. Sheila eyeing me like I was sex on a stick and shivered in disgust. I sat down in the chair across from her desk and tried to ignore her perverted stare.

"Your in here a lot aren't you?" A girl questioned me. I looked over and rolled my eyes. Of course she would be in here.

"Hey don't do that that's rude." Autumn snarled at me. I quirked an eyebrow at her and smirked. So she has a little temper didn't know that.

"So why are you in here?" I asked string straight ahead. She didn't reply and I looked over at her. There was a dark purple bruise on her jaw and her lip was busted. Anger bubbled to the surface before I could even control it I grabbed her chin and titlted it so it was facing me.

"Who did this to you?" I rumbled in a almost growl like voice. She looked scared for a minute before trying to shake me off. I held her firm and stared her down. 

"It was nothing just an accident." She trembled slightly her voice cracking. That wasn't an accident somebody purposely hit her.

"That's a Goddamn lie and you know it." I snarled at her. Her gaze hardened and she slapped me across the face. My face was snapped in the other direction and I couldn't help but to stay there shocked. Nobody has ever dared to slap me before. I felt the stinging after affects of it and let me tell you it hurt like a bitch.

"Mind your own Goddamn business and stay out of mine." She snarled back at me before getting up and walking out the door. I stared after her shock still on my face. That girl is so in for it when I see her again.

"Mr. Black please come in." Principle Brown said. I sighed lets get this over with already. I walked into his office and he shut the door behind me.

"Listen Kayden you can't just keep on disrespecting my teachers ok just try and be the bigger person that's all I'm asking." He sighed rubbing his forehead. I nodded my head happy that he decided not to suspend me or expell me either.Today must be my lucky day but I've learned to never put my hopes out there,

"Can I leave now sir?" I asked trying not to push my luck today. He nodded his and I got up and left the room whistling on my way out. I shuddered again when I saw Ms. Sheila wink at me. I walked down the hall and made my way towards my second period class which was math. I walked around the corner until I heard sniffling and someone blew their nose. I rounded the corner and Autumn sat there her eyes red and puffy her nose dripping until she wiped it with her tissue. My curisousness was getting to me and I sat down by her and looked straight across the hall at the row of lockers.

"What do you want?" She asked wiping her nose again. I shook my head amused at how hostile she is but hostile didn't work on her it made me think of the cowardly lion.

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