Chapter 3 COllege

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Again I had to go to college, i had it all week, i didnt mind as i enjoyed what i was doing.

I got up from my amazing alarm, when into my ensuit bathroom and did my hair, when i was finished I picked out the outfit that i was going to wear, I picked my skinny jeans, all starz converse, a white top which had a leopard on it, and a little denim jacket. I put on some make up, like i normaly do, before, going down stairs to have breakfast.

Once I finished eating I climbed the stairs back to my room to get my college bag, and to brush my teeth. Then I was ready to go! As I start to walk towards the bus I just have a crazy thought, which before i realise, it was gone, each time i think about it, it seems to drift further apart like something is wanting to show me something but cant. I decide to ignore it.

- -

At college a new girl has started, her name is Connie, she looks just like the girl that added me on facebook..... we dont meet eye to eye, all day until lunch when she starts to talk to me ....

"Hi, Sasha rigth ?" she says as she takes a seat next to me.

"Yeah, your Connie the new girl" I say politely back, smiling

"Nice to meet you, so what made you choice hair and beauty then?" she makes convosation

"Well, I don't really know, to be honest, i thought that its a good job to get into thats why i did it" I wasn't lieing, It can be a good job to fall back on

"Yeah, same here, do you know anyone in this class then?" She seemed nice,

"No, all of my friends has stayed on at school and some have applied to go to uni..."

"I know, well hope that we can be friends ?"

"Yeah sure" I reply, well at least i know some one...

The bell rang and that was the end of lunch, back to work. It wasn't long before the bell went again which showed that it was the end of the day.

Back on the bus, I saw the same girl which i seen the day before, i could recognise her but not her name.. it was begininning to bug me now.

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