Chapter Five: Naming Our Childs--Uhh, I Mean Kittens!

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*Warning This Chapter Is Rated R For Reasons Unknown To Me. Wattpad Made Me Do It*

Nichole's POV

"Get up, child, I'll stab you." I heard Eliza threaten and so I shot up.

"I'm up, I swear!" I cried. I learned a couple years ago that when Eliza threatens to stab, she does.

She stood above me, showered, groomed, and in new, fresh clothes. She even had a cat on her shoulder, Midnight.

Chuckling I pointed at Midnight, "So... whats with you and the kitty." I gasped, "Is it Kitty Love? Wow, that would be weird."

"Hmm, maybe I should just stab you even though you're up." Eliza said with a straight face, tilting her head with a small, thoughtful, look in her eyes. I shivered.

"All you had to do was say 'shut up'." I said getting out of bed and then crossing my arms, "And when did I give you permission for you to use my shower?"

She smirked, "When you sleepily told me at six not to bother you with useless questions, so I did as I pleased. I also need to inform you of my leaving that will be in," She checked her watch, "Twelve minutes, and the fact that you are indeed late for school."

My jaw dropped and I cursed silently, "Well, what time is it?"

"1:18, why? Planning on going to school?" Her smirk widened as I sighed and fell on my bed.

"No, but where are you going?" I asked, looking at her with curious eyes.

"I have a hot date with destiny, why, you jealous?" She patted the cat on her shoulder when she said 'hot date' and that made me laugh.

"No, but I think Midnight is!" I laughed.

She glared at me and fingered the knife she usually had in her pocket, for safety reasons, of course. Even if she had gone to an all girls private school, the walk to the buses across the street could get you raped, murdered, mugged, or even shot in the city. "That reminds me, when I get back, tell me all the names of the kittens so I know what to yell out when they do something stupid."

I blinked, "The kittens aren't named, Midnight was named just because my dad decided it was a good name, I haven't honestly thought about what to call them yet."

Her sweat dropped at my answer and she shook her head while her hand came up to rub her temple, "Well, at least I know what to do when I get back."

"Where are you going?" I asked, sitting up from my bed and grabbing her arm.

"Crazy." She muttered back.

I rolled my eyes, " I said 'where' not 'what', Eliza."

She chuckled and sighed, cuddling Midnight in her arms. "I'm going to go pick a certain someone up, be back in a bit. Feed the cats edible food, not that cheap shit called 'cat food', I tried that once, Kami-awful stuff." Her face wrinkled in disgust and Midnight licked her nose, making her chuckle before she set him down on the floor and gave me a warm smile. "Let go, I'll return, child."

Nodding sadly, seeing as that 'certain someone' was in fact her drunkard father that she loved dearly despite the fact he was crazy and got in jail a lot for being publicly drunk or drunk driving or starting fights and pretty much being a drunk retard. She still loved the old goat. "Be careful!" I yelled after her as she walked out of the room, Midnight at her heels, meowing.

I watched as she left the house and heard the door shut with a final click. And then I was left alone in the darkness of my room. Alone. I let my head drop to my knees and pulled them to my chest. "Hurry back, Eliza, you know I don't like the dark." I whispered with the sight of Eliza's warm smile blazing in my mind to try and keep me from thinking things that shouldn't be though.

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