Chapter 7

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The car pulled to a halt on the pavement two streets over from the party, an easy get away if the police were to bust the party and the street got gridlocked in panic.

“So Jordan, you got your eye on any of the girls?” Luke asked him as we all got out and started to stroll in the direction of the party, a soft pound of music being heard from our destination.

“Not really, there’s some cute girl in my Biology class but…” Luke’s arm fell onto Jordan’s shoulders and he dug his fist into the arm.

“Smart girl ey?” He winked and then grinned over at me. “I don’t get why you guys are going for smart girls, has Cassie even put out for you yet mate?” I lightly punched him in the arm and scowled.

“Respect her will you, she’s my girlfriend man.” Scowling at him as he laughed along with Jordan at my defence of Cassie.

“Bet you won’t be respecting her tonight…” He bantered, jumping away from foot launching to hit him and laughing as I kicked at the air. “You know its true Charlie boy.”


The party was mad to simply put it.

About two hundred people were squished into this decent sized family home and more were out in the back garden. Sweat dripped from the ceiling as hot bodies grinded against each other in beat to the club music whilst in the kitchen beer pong and strip poker were being played. Along the walls couples stood, making out or basically having sex against them and the lesser drunks either sat on the stairs or gazed at the crowd.

I pushed through the mass of grinding people to get to the kitchen, a girl grabbed hold of my arm and tried to dance on me but I pushed her away. I needed another drink. As I reached the bright kitchen that basically gleamed in the light, I witnessed a crowd growing as shots were being poured out.

“Charlie! Mate come join, you’re a pro at this shit!” Luke slurred, stumbling slightly as he waved me over to the island. Once close enough his hand grabbed my shirt as he pulled me next to him, lifting his shot to await the clang of the one placed in front of me. I brought the shot glass up to my lips, parting them before throwing my head back and letting the strong liquor burn itself a path down my throat.

“Shit, that was great.” I spat before grabbing another that had been poured, I was determined to get drunk.


The beat of the music pounded through my body, sending vibrations tingling through my ears and buzzing up my mind. The dance area was packed, bodies grinding on people they didn’t even know and the air thick with sweat, only broken by the flashing light above.

So much alcohol had been pushed down my throat that I didn’t know what was really happening, I seemed to be ten seconds behind what was actually going on. I knew that Cassie was dancing with me, a smirk on her face whenever she could make me groan and her lips only ever leaving mine for barely seconds so we could breathe in the thick air.

I pulled away from the kiss and rested my hands on her swaying hips, letting one slip lower to her butt cheekily.

“You look gorgeous.” I shout in her ear over the deafening pulse of music, giving the area underneath her ear a quick kiss before meeting her eyes again. She does look gorgeous. Her black hair is let loose in waves that remind me of beach hair, blue eyes shining like diamonds as smoky eye make-up makes them pop out. She’s dressed in a white, bodycon dress that fits her in all the right areas and also to my expense pushes her boobs up; it cuts off mid thigh and looks hot on her, the white contrasting with the midnight locks of her hair. She points behind me and I twist my head around to see the stairs, grinning at the idea she has I nod and grab her hand.

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