Sunyoul - Memories

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I just saw that picture at facebook so why not make an imagine ? xD


You are at UP10TION's dorm. They have been the best friends when u need them. They even take care of u. It was a fully silence in the dorm. Some were playing their phones and some were sleeping. "Umm .... hey guys! Why dont we go to the mall? It has been a long time since we go to the mall" Jinhoo said, making the members jump at the quiet dorm. "HELL YEAH!" Xiao said. "Yah, maknae, language maners!" Kuhn said, making all of us laugh. "Anyways, we should get ready" you said, clapping your hands. "Sure!" All of them said. "Y/N , go wake up Sunyoul" Kuhn said. 'Whaaa?! Why does it ha---" "Just deal with it" Kuhn cut you off and you just nod.

You went into Sunyoul room quietly. He was sleeping peacefully. "Sunyoul~ wake up~ me and the boys are planning to go to the mall." "Hmm~ whaa~? Oh Y/N ... sure .. let me just wash my face and i'll change in the bathroom" Sunyoul said, bringing his clothes to the bathroom. You giggle at his tiredness . He went into the bathroom while you were looking around his room. There was a box full of pictures and stuff. The first picture u saw was a baby picture. There was a name at the back of the picture. It was Sunyoul. It was when he was a little kid. You almost burst into laughter seeing it. Then suddenly Sunyoul came out from the bathroon . "Im do-- YAH! WHAT ARE U DOING?!" Sunyoul shout and made u flinch. "Nothing!" He saw u holding something and quickly grab it but u took it away. "Yah Y/N! Give it back! Respect people privacy" Sunyoul said. "Alright fine i'll give it to you ... IF YOU CAN CATCH ME!" You then ran outside of Sunyoul door. Sunyoul started chasing you.

The boys were waiting for u and Sunyoul, but then they saw u two chasing each other. You run everywhere in the dorm. After you ran almost the whole building, you ran to hide behind Xiao. Sunyoul found u and he ran out of breath "Yah, Y/N, give it back. Cant u respect people privacy?" "Yah Hyung! Cant u respect noona here?" While Xiao was distracting Sunyoul, u give the picture to Kuhn quietly. Kuhn saw it. Kuhn also almost burst into laughter. The member saw him so they quickly saw what was it. This time, all of them laugh really hard. Xiao then joins them. "Why? Whats so fun-- WHO IS THAT?!" Even xiao laugh. "Its Sunyoul when he was a little kid" You said it to them. "JINJJA? YAH HYUNG! WHY DO U LOOK SO WEIRD WHEN YOU WERE SMALL?! XD" Hwanhee said. "Yah! Give it back!" Sunyoul took the picture away from them and walks to his room again. This time he SLAM the door "Oh c'mon Sunyoul" You mumble and went to his room.

He was in his room to put back the picture where it was supposed to be. "Oppa? Can i come in?" You knock at the door. "Yes, noona. You can come in" I walk in and saw him putting the picture back. "Oppa~ im sorry for embarrassing u infront of your hyungs" "its okay noona" he look at the floor. "Oppa~ na neun jeongmal (i am really)---" he cuts u with a kiss, a soft one. "Will that make u quiet? For once?" You just nod. "OOOOOO!! U GO GIRL!!" The members fanboys when both of u kiss. "YAH! GET OUT OF HERE!" Sunyoul shouted at them and they qucikly leave the room. "Wow! That was ... awesome" u said, very shock "oh shut up! They're always like that" "includes u?" U said , raising an eyebrow "Ughh .. yES including me" Sunyoul roles his eye and u just playfully hit his arm.


OK i know its a bad ending . Its bad bcuz it took me more than a day to do this . Plus, im kinda excited (kinda). I just made my twitter and go to After School twitter for BTS Hangout. It says it was already passed YESTERDAY. So i try to submit it TODAY and they accept it. Omfg! Hope they will allow me. They even say Laptop or Computer. I have a computer but no camera. SO i have to use my iPad or my Phone . Btw, hope u like it.

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