Chapter 9; A Pile Of Lies

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I woke up to the soft snoring of Michael. I flutter my eyes open and come face to face with his chest. I take a deep breath and smell his scent; I've always liked it. His arms are wrapped around me loosely, so I try to wriggle out of them without waking him. From our past sleep overs together as kids, I know he's a heavy sleeper.

I finally break free of his grasp, not waking him. All he does is roll on his back and moan in the process. I try to hold in my giggle as I grab my phone and sit on the desk chair. Luke texted me last night.

From: Luke<3

Did you tell Michael?

I text back quickly.

To; Luke<3

Yeah... I told him what you wanted me to. Why can't I just tell him the truth?

I sigh and stand up from my seat. I walk lazily over to the bathroom. After I finish and wash my hands, I walk back over to my desk where I left my phone an see that Luke texted me back.

From: Luke<3

You know why.

Tears form in my eyes. I hated lying to Michael. He was probably my best friend out of all four of the guys. But I have no choice but to lie.


I wake up to the sunshine shining in my eyes through the blinds. I stretch and take a deep breath. I turn my head and look around the room to see if I can find Chelsea anywhere. I roll out of her bed and walk down stairs. I come to find Calum passed out on the couch.

I chuckle to myself as I walk over to him and shake him awake.

"Dude, wake up." I say.

"Hmm?" He hums rather loudly as his eyebrows lift.

I laugh even more. "It's like 9:30. Get up."

"Who the fuck wakes up that early?" He grumbles.

Well someone's grumpy.

"Uh, every normal person?" I laugh.

"Unless you're a child. Or an adult who has no job." He lists to me as his eyes are still close and he turns to cuddle with the blanket he was using.

I roll my eyes and leave him alone. I find Chelsea at the dining table, staring blankly ahead with a frown on her face.

"Good morning." I smile. "Penny for your thoughts?" I ask as I turn my back towards her to open the fridge and get milk.

"Nah." Is all she answers.

I hear her stand up and walk over to where I set the milk on the counter. She grabs cereal from the pantry and she grabs a bowl and slightly slams it-or drops it-on the counter.

I look over at her with my eyebrow raised.

"Nah? Seems like you're upset. Unless that's your RBF." I laugh.

"RBF?" She asks.

"Resting Bitch Face? You've never heard of it?" I ask with another loud chuckle.

"Oh... Yeah I have..." She says with obviously low interest.

I just watch her as she sits down and eats her cereal. I put the milk back in the fridge and sit across from her. I keep my eyes on her for a little bit, then they finally drop to the cereal and I eat slowly.

Why is she upset? I know she is. Like seriously we've been friends since I could remember...

"Um... I'm gonna go talk to Luke again. I want to tell him that I talked to you about everything. Hopefully he'll forgive me now." I laugh lightly.

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