Chapter 17; One Last Thing

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I need to see Michael. I need to tell him how much I care about him before I do something stupid and lose him forever.

I roll over in my bed and look at my digital clock; the large red numbers read '3:42 am'

Wow I didn't know I was thinking THAT much....

I grab my phone from next to the clock and find Michael's number. I click the green button, turn onto my side and lay my phone on my face and close my eyes.

"Hello?" I hear a sleepy Michael say through the phone.

"Hi." I say quieter than I expected. "Sorry for calling so late..." I felt like I was about to just burst into tears.

"It's alright, but why are you calling at this time? Shouldn't you be asleep?" He asks sweetly, with his sexy morning voice, may I add.

"Uh- I couldn't sleep." I say quickly. "Can I come over?"

There was a small silence before he answers me. "Yes. Of course."

"Okay." I whisper.

"I'll see you in a bit." Then he hangs up.

I feel so dead inside. Michael deserves to know how much I care about him. How much I love him.

I toss my blankets off of my body and put some flip flops on. I tip toe down stairs ever so quietly, for if my mom heard me, she would probably kill me.

I've lived in this house since I was born, so I know for a fact that the second to bottom stair is squeaky as hell. I step over the second step and accidentally miscalculate my distance and do a hulk stomp onto the ground.

'Shit' I whisper harshly to myself. I crouch down and look up to my mom's bedroom door and stare silently. After a few seconds, I sigh softly.

When I stand up, that's when I hear her door creak open.

"Chelsea? Sweetie what are you doing up so early?" She asks with her hair in a huge messy bun and only a soft pink robe wrapped around her petit body.

"Uh... Just getting a midnight snack, mom. Well 4:00 snack I guess you could say." I laugh to myself.

"Oh, then I will join you!"

Damn it.

I pull out my phone from my pocket and text Michael, telling him I'll be a bit longer.

"How about some Nutella and some toast?" She asks as she opens the pantry door and grabs the family size jar of Nutella. Yeah we go though that stuff really fast. And by 'we' I mean me.

"Okay." I agree. I walk over to our island and sit on one of the tall chairs. I swing and spin around in circles until I hear the toaster being pulled out of the drawer. I stand up and grab the bread from off the counter, I untwist the wrapper, and I grab two pieces of bread.

"Do you remember when you and I would set out alarms in the middle of the night to have this snack?" My mom giggles as she grabs herself some bread too.

"Yeah." I laugh. I put my two pieces in the toaster and push the lever down. "And then dad would always wake up because he'd hear us giggling about something. And then he would say the same thing every night, 'are you having your midnight snack?' We would giggle loudly and say yes as naturally as we could, then he would continue, 'then shut up; people actually sleep at midnight!'"

We both erupted into a huge fit of laughter as those wonderful memories flooded back. It's not really that funny, just the memory of him saying it every night was funny. As I laughed, I waited to see if maybe, just maybe my dad would come out of that room and say his normal line... But there was nothing.

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