Chapter 19; All Gone

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Michael ended up taking me to a super fancy restaurant. And I don't mean Olive Garden fancy (A/N: Joke; Olive Garden isn't really that fancy)

He took me to some Italian restaurant, a name I can't pronounce, but it just looks amazing. It looked like the kind of restaurant that you're nervous to go in to, becuase you're afraid just sitting on their seats with cost a fortune.

Michael and I approach the door of the restaurant, and he opens it for me while gesturing and saying, "m'lady".

I giggle as I walk through the door and admire the warm atmosphere. I felt like I was in a restaurant in Italy.

"This is amazing" I say in a whisper. I look at Michael with a strange look. "Michael, how could you even afford this?"

"Eh" he shrugs. "Just found some extra money lyin' around" he says with a silly smirk.

I smile and lightly laugh. I feel so spoiled.

"Michaél" a tall bald man shouts with a heavy Italian accent.

Micheal sticks his hand up in the air slightly, showing he's here. He turns toward me and offers me a hand, and when I accept it, he holds my hand softly and leads me to wherever we're supposed to be seated.

"Wow, reservations?" I say, "now I'm really spoiled." I tease.

Michael takes his big cloth napkin and sets it on his lap. He raises an eyebrow. "Alight then. Next time I'll take you to Taco Bell"

I laugh loudly. "Now you know I'd love that just as much as this." I pause. "But this is wonderful. It honestly feels like a dream. I feel like a princess!" I say excitedly.

Michael chuckles. "Well you deserve to be treated like a princess. After all, you are a princess, right? Or have you been lying to me this whole time?"

"Shut up" I roll my eyes and laugh.


We finish dinner, and share a dessert. The whole night was filled with laughs, giggles, and flirty comments.

"You sure are confident" I smirk at Michael when he spits out compliments and flirtatious comments one after another.

"Is that bad?" He cocks an eyebrow.

I sit upright with a straight face. "No, it's really not."

"You make me feel good and confident. I feel like I can be myself" he shrugs.

"Yeah, it's pretty hot to be honest" I say nonchalantly.

Michael bursts into laughter with his cheeks turning a soft pink.

I lean forward across the table and stare at him. "Are your... are your cheeks red? Is the Michael Clifford blushing?!"

"Shhhh" he says shakily as he laughs uncontrollably. "Yes, I Michael Gordon Clifford, am blushing. You don't complement me like that so it just took me by surprise" he laughs.

I sit back in my chair with my eyebrows furrowed. Michael tilts his head.

"Something wrong?" He asks, taking a sip of his drink.

"I totally don't compliment you enough. Why did I just realize that?" I say quietly, feeling like I want to cry.

"Oh babe, you compliment me all the time." He says in all seriousness.

"No I-"

"You just don't realize it" he shrugs.

"I might say you're cute, or hot, or whatever every now and then. But you compliment me way more." I say sadly.

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