Chapter 2 : The Adventure Begins

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                                     The next two weeks were just as boring as the first day. Then one day, in the middle of science class,  I get called to the office. When I get there they hand me the phone. One lady says" It's your father." I think "Oh crap i am in serious trouble!"

                                   I put the phone to my ear, and say "Hello?""Hi, son.Can I speak with you for a minute?" My dad asked. " Sure." I replied. " Something really bad just happened ,and I need your help?" My dad asked. " What happened?" I ask thinking it's about my mom. " I will tell you ,but not here. I am taking you home to discuss this." My dad said sounding very serious. I didn't argue ,and hung up.

                                 I turn to the lady at the count. "I need to leave now." I said sternly. "Okay , I need a reason ,and a parent's signature. " She said. " My dad just got in an car wreck ,and is severely injured." I said choking out fake tears. The lady looks at me with tear filled eyes ,and says " Aah you poor baby. I will take you home right now. Grab your stuff."

                                  We ran out to the lady's car , get in ,and drive off.

                             " Where am  I taking you? " The lady  asked. I give her my friends old address. His house was right next to the beach.

                             I was amazed at how fast this lady was going. We got there in half the time it usually  takes.

                           " Do you want me to walk you in?" The lady asked. " No i'll be fine. Thanks for the ride." I replied. I shut the door ,and ran towards the house. When I got to the front door the lady drove off. I ran through the front door (thank goodness no one lived there) ,and out the back. I jumped the tall wood fence and I was there. I ran across the beach ,and dived into the water.


                         I swam down to my father's kingdom. I found him i the throne room in him throne looking extremely concerned. He looked at me ,and smiled.

                         " Come ,sit , we need to talk." He said with no emotion. I swam over and sat in the throne right next to his. " Something has happened , something that worries me deeply." My dad said. "What happened ,Dad?" I asked.  He  sighed. " The daughter of the Lord of the Skies was take. What worries me is that they can't find her. It takes a lot of power to conceal things from the Lord of the Skies. Who ever toke his daughter will come for you next." My dad explained. " But what does it matter if your kids are taken? " I asked. " You know of the others?" He asked. "Ya , the Lord of the Flames ,and Mistress of the Earth." I said plainly. " Well , each of us are aloud one child ,and only one. So if that child dies there is no aer to the throne. When that happens the lord's or the mistress's kingdom is kingdom falls apart ,unless an aer  is chosen by the ruler." My dad said . "So... why did you want to talk to meabout this?" I asked. " Because I want you to find her. It have been three weeks ,and not a trace of her , we need all the help we can get." My dad said. "What if he takes me?!" I asked now very scared. " You are the most responsible of the four ,so the other rulers and i talked it over ,and decided that you should go and find her. This is a great honor ,and I am very proud." He said with a proud smile.

                              " Fine I'll go. " I said reluctantly . " I will provide everything you might need. I will give you something that I was planning to give to you when you turned eighteen ,but I think you need it now." My dad said handing me his trident. I took it ,and suddenly I felt the power run through me.

                             " I can do this." I said confidently. I jumped from the throne and swam to the suface.

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