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It's once again Friday and there's been no sign of Harry "too cute for fucking words" Styles. I'm a little disappointed if I'm honest, but when Amy asks me every night if he's been in, I act like I don't care when I say no. The studio is a little busier today than last Friday, a recently signed duo taking up space recording an EP or something. To be honest, my mind isn't on my work and I don't even feel that bad about it. I'm working on answering an email to Andrew in regards to some scheduling conflict that came up when the door blows open and in comes who I think is easily the sexiest man alive.

I look up quickly, register the fluttering in my chest, then look back to my work. I'll let him come to me. "Hello, Dylan. How are you this lovely day?" I look up and he's leaning on my desk, his hair falling down in front of his face. "I'm alright, how are you today, Harry?" He takes a seat in the chair across from me. "I'm better now than I was a few moments ago." I look up to see him smiling. I finish the email and focus my attention to Harry. "Should I call Max?" Harry shakes his head, "only if you're trying to get rid of me. I came to see you."

"And why would you do that?" He smiles again, his eyes roaming my face. "Because I think you're the best person I've met in a long, long time." His words make me blush and I know he sees it when he smiles at me. "What have you been up to this week, Dylan?" I decide to mention Ross coming over for dinner to see how he reacts. Is that bitchy and sneaky? Yes. Do I care? Absolutely not.

"I had dinner with Ross a few times," I see his jaw twitch, "Amy was supposed to be there too but she had a work thing I guess." He nods, his fingers moving to his lip again. "I see. Is this Ross person your boyfriend?" I sense some jealousy in his statement, surprising and pleasing me. "Oh, no. He's interested I think, but no. He's not my boyfriend." He smirks slightly, his mouth pulling to one side. "Good," is all he says. "Do you have a girlfriend, Harry?" He shakes his head. "No, I've been spending my months off alone so far. Single, mingling, all that you know?" I can understand that. It's quiet for a moment, us both just looking at each other, not saying anything. He smiles sweetly at me and I return it before looking down at my hands in my lap.

"Why do you always do that?" Harry asks me. "Do what?" His head tips to one side. "You always look down like I've embarrassed you." I shake my head, looking at him. "You just flatter me, I do it to hide the fact that I'm blushing." He smiles at me, that fucking dimple showing again. "Don't hide it, please. I like it." I nod and smile at him while he settles back into his seat.

"So, Dylan. I have a question for you." I feel my tummy flutter a bit, anxious as to what this is. "Okay, ask then." He smiles, his finger once again moving to his lower lip. "Max and I are going to dinner tonight with a friend of ours, Samantha. I was wondering if, I don't know, you'd like to come with. It's nothing fancy or anything. We're leaving here at 8 when Max is done with that duo or whatever." He looks nervous and I find it adorable. "Sure, that sounds nice. Do I need to change or is this okay?" Harry looks me over, my grey t-shirt and olive green skinnies a bit casual for dinner in my opinion. "No, you're perfect. You don't need to change." I literally swoon at his words.

Harry stays with me, talking to me while I work, until Max comes out, following the duo headed for the door. "Harry, funny finding you sitting here again." Max gives me a weird look before Harry saves me again. "Oh, fuck off. I came in a bit ago and knew you were busy. I came to see Dylan anyways. She's coming to eat with us and Sam. When are you going to be ready? It's eight now." Max nearly glares at me when Harry says he came to see me, but I ignore it, going about my end of day duties before gathering my things to leave. I text Amy telling her what's going on and get a return text calling me a hoe and telling me to "shag the hunky babe" to which I tell her to shut up. Max seems to agree to my coming to dinner because he tells me to lock up and we head out.

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