Chapter 2

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"We're here," Hermione said worriedly, breaking me out of my daydream. I looked around, and immediately saw why she sounded so worried, Harry still wasn't back, it must have been at least a couple of hours.

"Do you think Harry's ok?" asked Neville, only just realising the conundrum.

"Ah he'll be fine, he is THE Harry Potter after all!" said Ron confidently. Both Hermione and I shared unconvinced looks.

"Maybe he got kidnapped by Puffs, they're very vicious when provoked," suggested Luna.

"Yeah, whatever Loony," said Ron, earning him a well deserved glare from Hermione, "lets go to the Great Hall, he probably got off without us."


After a short ride on the moving carriages, we got off, and an old, severe looking woman walked up to me.

"Skyler Taylor, daughter of Frank Taylor, the Auror, and Rebecca Taylor, the Ministry Worker?" she asked, as if she already knew the answer.

"Yes?" I answered uncertainly.

"Pleased to meet you, I am professor McGonagall, Vice-Headmaster of Hogwarts. If you please follow me, I'll lead you to your Sorting straight after the first years. I suppose Mr. Weasley, Mr. Longbottom, Ms. Granger and Ms. Lovegood have all ready filled you in?" She continued, glancing at the four.

I nodded mutely, not wanting to speak in case my voice breaks.

"Good, then I do not have to repeat myself. If you are ready, follow me, Ms. Taylor," Professor McGonagall said, and started to walk away. I waved lamely at my new friends. Three smiled back encouragingly, one stared into space.


I walked behind the first years by a few metres as they walked up the Great Hall as Professor McGonagall instructed me to do so. It might have been paranoia, but I could feel eyes bore into me, and whispers and fingers following me. I passed Ron and Hermione. Hermione smiled, Ron gave me a two thumbs up.

"Russell, Natalie" Professor McGonagall called out clearly. A little girl sat on the chair, the hat was placed on her head, and it took a few seconds before it shouted "HUFFLEPUFF!!". A table clapped, it must have been the Hufflepuff table.

It was a long and slow process. I observed the ceiling of the hall, or the starry night, I should say. I looked at the first years. Some of the taller ones were as tall as me, which was absurd, as I had to be at least five years older than all of them. I glanced around at the nearby students, when a characteristic blonde head appeared some distance away. It took me a while to realise that it was the mysterious rude stranger. He seemed to be staring at me, I couldn't be sure, he was too far away, but I had a feeling.

"Taylor, Skyler," McGonagall called. I snapped out of my thoughts, and stumbled up to the chair, earning a few sniggers.

"Now, as you may have noticed, Ms. Taylor isn't a first year. She transferred from Australia in the summer, when her father, Frank Taylor, was needed among many other Aurors, to help deal with our country's dire situation with You-Know-who. I know that every single one of you will welcome her warmly," said McGonagall. I blushed, the whole hall was silent.

"Now," McGonagall continued, placing the hat on my head.

It was maybe a second before I heard a tiny voice in my head.

"Hm, I never Sorted anyone who wasn't a first year, this should be interesting. Let's see, you've got alot of courage, so Gryffindor is an option, but you've got some good brains too, so Ravenclaw would suit you too. Wait, let me dig further," the voice continued, " you're also loyal to anyone who earned your trust, so Hufflepuff isn't a bad place for your either, but there is a Slytherin part in you too. What to do, what to do?" the hat asked itself.

I sat, terrified of moving, breathing or even thinking.

"I'll pick the dominant area, so it better be GRYFFINDOR!!!" the hat shouted the last word.

A table erupted with applause, so I guessed it must have been the Gryffindor table. I walked slowly to them, taking my time so I glance at the mysterious boy. There was no question about it, he was glaring at me with the utmost amount of hatred anyone can communicate wordlessly. I glanced at his tie. Green and silver. Figures, the guy was in Slytherin.


The food magically appeared in front of us, and with a cheer, everyone began digging in. I couldn't get rid of the feeling that the mysterious boy was still watching me, nor could I forget his hatred-filled face. What have I ever done to him?

"Hermione," I whispered, nudging her slightly, "who is that blonde boy there, sitting at the Slytherin table?" I pointed conspicuously.

"Him? Oh that's Draco Malfoy, nasty piece of work he is," she answered helpfully.

Malfoy? I thought to myself. His name sounded familiar.

"Why?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, it's just that he looks kinda familiar," I lied quickly, but my flaming cheeks gave me away.


After a very filling feast, I sat back in my chair, and glanced up at the starry night once again.

"Zat is da sky," Ron said, his mouth full of food.

"Oh Ronald," Hermione said, rolling her eyes, "have you ever even read Hogwarts: A History? It plainly states that the ceiling is bewitched to only look like the sky," Hermione finished, looking at me.

"Oh really? Cool!" I said.

A few minutes passed before Hermione looked around anxiously.

"Harry is really late. I do hope he is alright, what if something bad has happened to him?" Hermione muttered, more to herself.

"Dunt wurry Hurminee," mumbled Ron, who was too busy shovelling food into his mouth to bother to swallow.

"Will you stop eating?!?" Hermione snapped, hitting his arm, "you're best friend is missing!"

"Oi, turn around you lunatic!" said Ron.

We saw Harry walk up the Great Hall, with tissue in his hand, trying to mop up the blood that was emanating from his nose. I gagged, I am definitely a no-blood person. Harry sat beside me.

"Congrats on making it to Gryffindor, Skyler," he said, his words muffled from behind the giant wad of tissue.

"What the bloody hell happened to you!?!" asked Ron.

"I really don't want to talk about it," replied Harry.

"But-" began Hermione.

"Later," said Harry significantly.


I woke up after the best sleep I've had in years. I got dressed quickly and walked down into the empty, cozy common room. It was too early. Hermione informed me last night in whispers that Harry was, in fact, attacked by Slytherins. I knew that that wasn't the full story, but I left it. I was new here, so I had to earn their trust, and they had to earn mine.

I walked to the Great Hall, managing after a few attempts, which got me lost. There was a smell of eggs, bacon and sausages in the air, and my mouth watered. As soon as I began wolfing down some food, Professor McGonagall came along.

"Ms. Taylor, I need to explain your subject options. Now, considering that you're exam results in the OWLS in Australia were all Outstanding, you can chose the career path you want to pursue, in order to do the correct subjects for your NEWTS," she said.

"I think I'd like to become an Auror," I replied.

"Ah, like Father like Daughter," the professor smiled, "alright, you need to take Charms, Potions, Herbology, Tranfiguration and of course Defence Against The Dark Arts. I had all your books sent up to your room a few minutes ago. Here is your time table. Good day," McGonagall said, and began to walk away.

I looked at the time table. My heart started beating. Later on today, we had Defence Against the Dark Arts, with the Slytherins.

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