Chapter 46

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A green flash shot at Skyler, missing her by inches. I grabbed my wand and shouted, "AVAD-"

"Draco, stop!" Skyler cried, pulling down the wand.

"Skyler, that Death Eater nearly killed you!"

She smiled. "I know, but killing him isn't going to fix anything."

I stared at Skyler. How could not want the person who nearly killed her to die? I would have-

I stopped that thought.

Of course I would have killed him, but this was Skyler. She wouldn't want to hurt a fly if she could help it.

I looked around, making sure that the Death Eaters were busy duelling the 3 Weasleys, Potter and Granger, and I pulled Skyler in the other direction.

"Skyler, you've got to snap out of it, this is a war, not a silly duelling game. People are going to die here."

"I know that Draco, but if I am going to die here, I don't want to have people's lives on my conscious."

I stopped abruptly. "Skyler-"

"Draco, no, I am going to defend myself, but I would never think of killing someone."

"Yeah, because that's the thing that only cold-blooded murders, like us Death Eaters, do," I snapped.

Skyler gasped. "You know I didn't mean it that way."

"Do I?"

"Draco Malfoy you know that you aren't a Death Eater at heart, like Bellatrix for example, and that's the end of this conversation-"

"FRED! NO NO FRED!" A scream echoed from the corridor.

Skyler and I froze, and we heard some maniacal laughter echoed through the walls as well.

"FRED! FRED WAKE UP!" We heard again.

I saw the decision in Skyler's eyes before she moved, and I clamped my arm on her arm. "Skyler, no!"

"Draco," she began sobbing. "No-let me go, you don't understand-"

"Yes I do."

"Draco!" She struggled even harder.

"Skyler-stop it!"

I was suddenly blown back against the wall. My limbs were stuck, and I couldn't move. I stared at Skyler, who had her wand out, pointing at me.

"I told you that I'd defend myself," she whispered, her eyes watering. She kissed my head. I tried to move, but I couldn't. I had no idea what nonverbal spell she used. She then pecked my lips. "I love you, Draco," she whispered.

The words sounded too much like a goodbye.

I struggled even harder. I opened my mouth to speak, but my lips stayed firmly shut. Skyler was rather good at this jinx, I thought grudgingly.

Skyler turned around, and without wasting a second, she disappeared down the hallway, towards where the shouts and screams were echoing.

I sat and waited, until finally, I was able to wiggle my fingers. Slowly, I regained the movement of my body, and I sprinted to where Skyler disappeared, knowing that it may already be too late.


It wasn't hard to find her. She was duelling a Death Eater in an empty hallway. I froze, unsure of what to do. If I suddenly appeared by Skyler's side, then our cover would have been blown, and the Dark Lord was sure to torture and kill her.

A plan flitted in my mind, and I acted.

"STUPEFY!" I shouted loudly, aiming at Skyler. The jinx hit her straight in the back, and she toppled over.

"Go! I got her, just go!" I shouted at the Death Eater.

The Death Eater smiled slyly and shook his head. "I want to do the honours myself, she gave me a bad Bat-Bogey Hex."

My blood froze.

I had to do something, now, and without the Death Eater knowing.

I tried to match his sly smile. "By all means, have fun," I said, swallowing back the bile that rose in my throat.

The Death Eater turned around, focusing his attention on Skyler, and raised his wand.

Before he could say any spell, I shouted, "CRUCIO!"

He fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

"CRUCIO!" I shouted again, torturing the man. His eyes began to roll back into his head.

"CRU-" I began again.


I turned around, and sure enough, Skyler had revived from my weak stunning spell, and was staring at me from the ground, in shock.

"Skyler, this man was inches from killing you," I said. "And I wasn't killing him!"

Skyler stared at me, in horror.

Or in fright.

My blood thickened even more.

Skyler had never seen this side of me. She had never seen this side of Draco Malfoy, the side that readily tortures and kills people if so needed.

Skyler, the same Skyler, that told me that she didn't care that I was a Death Eater, was now looking at me, scared.

Scared OF me.

"Just forget it," I snarled, and kicked the man on the ground, just for a good measure.

"Draco-" Skyler began.

"I know, I know. 'Draco you shouldn't have done that'," I said, mimicking her voice.


"Or, 'Draco that man didn't deserve that Crucio Curse'," I continued.


"To you, I may not be a Death Eater, but I sure am not just going to stand by and watch someone kill you-"

"DRACO!" Skyler shouted.

I paused, looking at her. I wondered what kind of words would come out of her mouth, blaming me for hurting that so-called human, who was just about to kill her.

"Thank you," Skyler whispered.

"What?" I gaped.

"Thank you," she repeated, and she stood up from the ground, looking at me with her big, bright blue eyes.

That did it.

I simply couldn't help myself.

Skyler was mine and I was hers.

And it wasn't the best time to say it, so all I could do was show it.

And I did.

Taking big steps, I pulled her into me and placed my lips on hers, not caring if anyone saw us. I pressed her slightly against the wall, covering her body with mine, just in case if any Death Eater came by and got any ideas.

Thankfully the hallway remained empty, though we could hear shouts and screams from the ones below, but I couldn't care.

Skyler was mine and I was hers.

Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING was going to separate us.

Skyler responded to my kisses with her own, and soon we were entangled with each other, out of breath but our lips were still working together, speaking the words that we could no longer say.

"I love you," I whispered in her ear.

"I love you too," she whispered back, her breath tickling my neck.

She was mine and I was hers.

Nothing could ruin the moment, except of course, the Dark Lord.

"You have fought valiantly. Lord Voldemort knows how to value true bravery........"

Skyler and I pulled apart immediately, and stood still, staring into each other's eyes.

"Yet you have sustained heavy losses. If you continue to resist me, you will all die, one by one. I do not wish for this to happen. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a loss and a waste........."

"Lord Voldemort is merciful. I command my forces to retreat, immediately........"

"You have one hour. Dispose of your dead with dignity. Treat your injured......."

"I speak now, Harry Potter, directly to you. You have permitted your friends to did for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour. I shall await you for one hour in the Forbidden Forest. If, at the end of the hour, you have not come to me, have not given yourself up, then the battle recommences. This time, I shall enter the fray myself, Harry Potter, and I shall find you, and I shall punish every last man, woman and child who has ever tried to conceal you from me. One hour......"

I stared down at Skyler in horror as she looked calmly up at me.

The Dark Lord was most definitely going to kill her, and she accepted the truth so easily.

But I won't.

I didn't.


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