Chapter 37

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We all looked at each other in shock. Ron clicked his Deluminator, dimming the lights, and Hermione waved her waved at Harry's face, casting what I recognised to be a stinging spell. Very smart, too, if anyone recognised him, we were all goners.

"Get up, vermin," a voice snapped.

Someone encased me in their arms, and who ever they were, they stank horribly.

"Get off her!" I heard Ron shout.

There was an unmistakable sound of fist on flesh, and Ron grunted.

"Leave him alone!" Hermione cried.

"Your boyfriend's is going to get a lot worse if he doesn't learn to control himself....." said a familiar, horrible voice. "Two girls......what a treat, I do enjoy the softness of the skin." I felt fingers on my cheek. I jerked away from the fingers, and my captor tighter their grip on me.

"Search the tent!" a voice ordered.

"Let's see who we got here," Fernir Greyback gloated. Suddenly the tent was light by wand light, and I saw that Fernir was holding his wand at Harry's face, or what used to be Harry's face.

"What happened to you, ugly?" Fernir laughed.

"I said," Greyback repeated, punching Harry hard. "What happened to you, ugly?"

At Harry's grunt of pain, I struggled even harder against my captor's grip, and Greyback noticed. "Better tell me soon, ugly, before your girlfriend gets it."

"Stung," Harry said quickly. "Been stung."

"Looks like it," another voice said.

"What's your name?" Greyback snarled.


"Your first name?"

"Vernon Dudley."

"Check the name on the list, Scabior," Greyback called as he moved towards Ron.

"And you?"

"Stan Shunpike," Ron replied.

"The hell you are!" There was another thud.

"I'm Bardy. Bardy Weadley," Ron spluttered. In the weak light, I could see blood dripping down his chin.

"A Weasley? So you are related to the blood traitors, even though you aren't a mudblood. How about you, sweetheart?" Greyback added softly in my ear. The closeness sent chills down my spine.

"Juliet Montague," I lied smoothly, smiling inwardly at my joke. I knew that the only other wizard who would have ever read Romeo and Juliet was probably Hermione.

"Such a pretty name for such a beautiful girl," Greyback continued softly, his fingers on my cheek. I squealed and propelled myself in the other direction, accidentally head-butting my captor's nose. My captor tighten his grip around my neck even harder, suffocating my oxygen.

"Blood status?" Greyback asked.


Greyback turned to Hermione. "Who are you, girly?"

"Penelope Clearwaters. Half-Blood."

"Yeah, there's no Vernon Dudley here, Greyback," a voice called.

"Interesting, very interesting," Greyback said, coming to a stop in front of Harry.

"So you aren't wanted, Vernon? Or are you there in a different name? Which house were you sorted into?"

"Slytherin," Harry answered quickly.

"It's funny how everyone thinks we want to hear that, but they can never tell me where the common room is."

"It's in the dungeons. You can enter through the walls. It's full of skulls and stuff, and it's under the lake, so the light is green."

There was a short pause.

"So maybe we gave caught our little Slytherin," Greyback said. "Good for you, Vernon, cause there ain't a lot of Half-Blood Slytherins. Who's your father?"

"He works in the Ministry. Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes."

"You know what, Greyback," Scabior said. "I think there is a Dudley in there."

My breath caught in my throat. Maybe Harry could lie our way out of this.

"Well, well, if you're telling us the truth, ugly, then you have nothing to fear from the Ministry. I bet you're father will reward us for finding you," Greyback said.

"Hey!" a shout rose from the tent. "Look at this!" A man exited the tent with the Sword of Gryffindor.

"Very nice, very nice indeed," Greyback said, taking it from its finder. "Where did you get something like this?"

"It was my father's-" Harry lied, but he was interrupted by another shout.

"Hang on a minute, look at this, it's in the Prophet!"

"Hermione Granger, the girl known to be travelling with Harry Potter," Scabior read out loud.

Greyback snatched the paper and stood in front of Hermione.

"You know what, girly? This picture looks a lot like you."

"It isn't, it isn't me!" Hermione squeaked.

There was silence, and my heart beat seemed to slow down, as if my heart was accepting our imminent death already.

"Well, this changes things, doesn't it?" Greyback snarled. He marched over to Harry. "What have you got on your forehead, Vernon?"

"Don't touch it," Harry shouted.

"I thought you wore glasses, Potter."

"I found glasses!" one of the snatchers exclaimed. "In the tent!"

There was a flutter of scurrying, and one of the snatchers shoved Harry's glasses in his face.

"That's it!" Greyback yelled. "We found Potter!"

"Where shall we bring him? To the Ministry?" Scabior asked.

"To hell with the Ministry. They take all the credit and don't give us anything. I say we bring him straight to You-Know-You," Greyback growled. "He's using the Malfoy Manor as a base, let's bring him there."

At the mention of the word Malfoy, my ears prickled and my eyes widened. I was barely aware of Greyback tying us to another group of prisoners, one of which I recognised to be Dean.

My mind was on one person.


Someone roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me into a suffocating long black tunnel closely associated with Apparating.


We landed in front of iron gates. As one of the Snatchers rattled the gates, a loud voice boomed.

"State your purpose."

"We've got him!" Greyback roared. "We've got Potter!"

The gates swung open.

"Come on!" Greyback ordered the Snatchers.

We were forced to go up a set of stairs before a large door opened in front of us.

"What's this?" a woman asked as she was opening the door.

"We are here to see You-Know-Who," Greyback replied.

"Who are you?"

I looked at the woman. She looked vaguely familiar.

"You know who I am!" Greyback said. "Fernir Greyback! And we've got Potter!"

Greyback grabbed Harry by the hair and pulled him in front of the woman. "I know that he's a bit swollen, but it's him! If you look a bit closer, that's his scar. And here, see," Greyback pointed at Hermione. "The Mudblood that was travelling with him."

"Bring them in," the woman ordered. "And follow me. My son Draco was returned for the Easter Holidays. If this is Harry Potter, he would know."

My heart spluttered.

This woman was Draco's mother.

Draco was here.

Draco was in the same building as me.

Draco would have to come down and identify us.

If he said the truth, we all were dead.

If he lied, he was dead.

I gasped involuntarily, and Harry, thinking I was scared, held my hand tightly.

The gesture sent a wave of guilt through me. I pulled my hand away and looked determinedly ahead. I saw Harry look at me questioningly, but then he nodded. I knew then that he thought my rejection was to keep us safe. How very wrong he was.

"What's this?" a drawling voice asked. I recognised Lucius Malfoy as he walked into the room that Malfoy's mother, who I know was called Narcissa, brought us in.

"They say they've got Potter," Narcissa said. "Draco, come in."

I heard a familiar set of footsteps, and my heart dropped and soared at the same time when I saw him, after months of separation.


"Draco, come in," I heard from the hallway.

I had heard that there was some commotion in the living room, and I was about to check it out before I heard my mother's voice, inviting me in.

From her tone, I could feel that it was good news.

I walked into the room, and my heart stopped thudding for a second.

Granger, Weasley, some other Gryffindor boy and a goblin were all tied together, but the figure directly in front of them was Potter. True, his face was swollen and red, but it was unmistakably Potter.

I froze in my place. I didn't see Skyler. Maybe she had escaped. Maybe she left the group before she was caught?

My heart relaxed slightly.

"Well?" Greyback rasped.

"Well what?" I snapped, hiding my fear from him well.

"Well Draco?" my father continued. "Is it? Is it Harry Potter?"

"I-I can't be sure," I stuttered, hoping my lie was believable.

I didn't know why those words slipped out of my mouth. But I did know one thing. I had sent Skyler with them for her own protection, and if she wasn't here, then she was safe. I couldn't let their small act of kindness unthanked. I just hoped that my lie was enough to get them out of here.

"But look at him! Come closer!" my father urged, pulling my arm and dragged me closer. "Draco, if we were the ones to hand Potter over, then everything would be as it was, everything would be forgiven-"

I flinched from my father's words. I hardly needed reminding.

"Now I HOPE we won't be forgetting who ACTUALLY caught him," Greyback interrupted loudly.

"No, of course not!" my father snapped. "What did you do to his face?"

"It wasn't us."

"Looks more like a Stinging Hex," my father stated.

"I thought so too," Greyback growled.

"There's something there," my father said, right in front of Potter now, pulling his face upwards by his hair. "Like a scar, stretched tight.......Draco come here and have a look."

I glanced that the scar, which certainly was Potter's. "I don't know." I walked back, next to my mother.

"We had better be sure, Lucius," my mother called in a loud voice. "Before we call the Dark Lord."

"What about the Mudblood, then," Greyback growled. He pulled the prisoners around so that the light fell on Granger instead of Potter.

"Wait! Yes- yes! She was in Madam Malkins's with Potter. Isn't that the Granger girl, Draco?" my mother asked.

"I don't know, maybe....." I trailed my voice.

"Then this must be the Wealsey boy!" Lucius cried, spinning the prisoners to bring Ron out in the light. "What's his name, Arthur's son. These are Potter's friends-"

Lucius suddenly stopped mid-sentence and smiled wickedly.

"Well well well, isn't this a suprise," he whispered. "Imagine have the daughter of the man who sent me to Azkaban at my mercy."

My heart dropped to my feet and continued dropping until it reached China.

No, it can't be, Skyler wasn't here.

Lucius again pulled the prisoners until the light fell on Skyler.

She was too short for me to notice over the heads of the prisoners, who most were much taller than her.

Her eyes widened as she stared at me.

My Skyler.

I had an urge to go and hug her. In fact, I was about to take a step until I heard a resounding smack.

"Don't touch her!" I heard Potter shouting out my thoughts exactly.

My father had his arm up again, about to deliver another slap to Skyler's already red cheek when the door opened and Bellatrix walked in. I was thankful for the distraction. If my father laid a single finger on Skyler again, I wasn't sure I could stay still, thus blowing the cover.

"What's this? Cissy?" Bellatrix asked.

"We think we've got Potter and his friends. We are almost certain of it." Lucius said, lowering his hand.

I looked at Skyler, hoping my eyes were enough to tell her that I was sorry for ever dragging her into this. She should be at home. At Hogwarts. She should be safe. But I was foolish, and I sent her with Potter for her safety, never crossing my mind what would happen if Potter got caught.

Her eyes were on mine, but they betrayed no emotion, her face neutral, even after the hard slap, which left the left side of her face bright red.

My eyes were lost on her face, not paying attention to my surroundings.

"STOP! Don't touch it!" Bellatrix screamed. "We shall all perish if you summon him now!"

Everyone froze.

"What's that?" Bellatrix shouted at a nearby Snatcher. She was pointing at the sword in his hand.

"Sword," was the reply.

"GIVE IT TO ME!" Bellatrix screamed.

"It's not yours, I found it, I reckon I can keep it."

Before anyone could blink, Bellatrix had stunned the Snatcher, like I knew she would. That woman stopped at nothing to get what she wants.

"Where did you get this sword?" She whispered to Greyback. "Snape sent it to my vault in Gringotts."

"We found it in their tent!" Greyback snapped.

"I must......I must know......." Bellatrix whispered.

"What are you talking about-" my mother asked.

"Shut UP Cissy! The situation is graver than you think!" Bellatrix shouted.

After a moments of silence, Bellatrix spoke again. "The prisoners must be sent to the dungeons while I think of what to do!"

"This is my house, Bellatrix, you cannot give orders -" my mother began.

"DO IT! You have no idea what danger we are in!" Bellatrix screamed.

My mother sighed and looked at Greyback. "They them down to the cellar. Draco, you can help too."

I moved mechanically.

"WAIT!" Bellatrix called. "All except the Mudblood."

I could almost hear Skyler's gasp of shock.

"No! You can have me! Keep me!" Weasley struggled, but ended up with a punch in the face, courtesy of Bellatrix.

"If she dies in questioning, I'll take you next. Blood Traitor is like Mudblood in my books. Take them downstairs and make sure they are secure. Don't do anything else to them-yet." Bellatrix said. She pulled out a small knife, cut Hermione free and dragged her, by the hair, to the centre of the room.

Greyback and I moved towards the prisoners, I was lagging behind.

"Take the girl and the goblin," Greyback snarled. I was almost certain that he didn't think I could handle Potter, Weasley and the other Gryffindor boy.

Skyler's eyes followed me as I moved towards her. I wanted so badly to hug her, to kiss her flaming cheek and to tell her she was safe. But that was a lie.

I roughly placed my hand on the goblin's neck but I gently towed Skyler towards the cellar.

After a couple of flights down and a few hallways, I got an idea.

"Hey, werewolf!" I called to Greyback in front of me.

He slowly turned around, still holding a tight grip on Potter, Weasley and the other boy.

"Bellatrix just called down. She wants to question the girl with the Mudblood," I said. I could feel Skyler stiffing under my hand. I squeezed her shoulder, hoping she would see it as assurance.

"I didn't hear anything."

"Well then, you need your ears check, dog," I snapped back, trying to sound superior. "Take the Goblin, and I'll bring the girl up."

I walked closer to Greyback and handed the Goblin to him. Before Greyback left, he stooped to the same eye level as Skyler.

"I hope she messes you up pretty bad," he whispered in her ear, though it was loud enough to echo around the walls. "I bet you'd taste nice."

My grip tightened on Skyler's shoulder and I glared at Greyback, hoping he would take it as a warning.

"Leave her alone," Potter's voice echoed.

"Shut up, lover boy," Greyback snarled menacingly. He began dragging the prisoners away, as I led Skyler back the way we came from.



My breathing slowed as Draco led me up the stairs, but instead of bringing me all the way up, he led me through a side door, into another long, empty, dark corridor.

I kept my eyes on the ground, not knowing what to say. I've dreamt about Draco for months, and now, when he was right in front of me, I couldn't even look at him. It was ridiculous.

Draco stopped and turned me around to face him. I looked up at his grey eyes as he studied my cheek.

"Skyler, are you alright? I'm so sorry, I know that I should have done some-" Draco began.

My heart nearly melted, but not as his words, at his voice.

"Draco," I croaked, my eyes threatening to spill over.

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