Chapter 45

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"Accio diadem,' Hermione tried futilely.

"Let's spilt up," Harry said. "Look for a stone bust of an old man wearing a wig and a tiara. It's standing in a cupboard and its around here somewhere."

Ron and Hermione nodded, and set off in one direction, leaving me and Harry to go the other way.

Minutes ticked by, and I found nothing, but I heard Harry exclaim softly, as he reached for precisely what he had described.

"Hold it, Potter," said a voice.

I froze immediately. It was the voice that I could recognise in my sleep.

I spun around quickly, and saw Draco, pointing his wand at Harry, and Crabbe and Goyle were on either side of him.

"That's my wand your holding, Potter," Draco said.

"Not any more, Malfoy," Harry replied, holding onto the wand in his pocket tightly. "Winners keepers. Who lent you theirs?"

"My mother."

Harry laughed out loudly, though nothing was funny, and I knew that he was somehow trying to alert Ron and Hermione of something, but there was no reply.

"Why didn't you tell them?" Harry asked, stopping mid-laugh suddenly.

"What do you mean, Potter?"

"You knew it was me, at the Manor, and Hermione and Ron and Skyler. Why didn't you tell them?"

That, I thought, was a very good question, even though I thought I knew the answer. I glanced at Draco, only to find him already looking at me.

Harry, who thought that Draco was looking behind him, glanced back, but found nothing out of the ordinary.

Draco looked away quickly.

"So how did you get in here?" Harry continued. I knew that he was trying to distract them. From what, I didn't know.

"I virtually lived in the Room of Requirement all last year. I know how to get in."

"We were standing in the corridor outside," Goyle grunted. "We were hidden by Diss-lusion charms, and you walked right last saying that you were looking for a die-dum."

"Harry?" Ron's voice echoed, much closer than I imagined. "Are you talking to someone?"

Crabbe waved his wand, and an enormous pile of junk toppled to where Ron's voice was.

"RON!" Harry shouted.

I whipped out my wand and shouted, "Finite!"

"No!" Draco snapped, holding Crabbe's arm when he waved it again, to recreate his spell. "If you mess up the room, you might bury that diadem thing!"

"What's the matter?" Crabbe asked. "It's Potter the Dark Lord wants, who cares about the die-dum?"

"Potter came here to get it, so that must mean-"

"Who cares what you think? I don't take orders from you any more, Draco. You and your dad are finished!"

"Harry?" I heard Ron's voice again.

"No- Potter! CRUCIO!" Crabbe shouted, but the curse missed Harry, hitting the bust instead, and the diadem flew out of sight. I groaned inwardly.

"STOP!" Malfoy shouted, his voice echoing. I knew it was stupid, but my heart sped at every syllable his voice said. This was not what I was supposed to think about in the middle of a war. "The Dark Lord wants him alive-"

"So? I ain't killing him, am I? Besides, if I can, I will. The Dark Lord wants him dead anyways, what's the differ-"

Hermione suddenly passed the corner and shot a stunning spell, but it missed.

"It's the Mudblood! Avada Kedavra!" Crabbe cried.

Hermione dodged it, but that was the line.

"STUPEFY!" I shouted suddenly, though it missed by a hair. That fool would have to think twice before trying to kill my friends.

"DON'T KILL HIM!" Malfoy shouted as Goyle and Crabbe began aiming at Harry, and me.

Spells, jinxes and hexes flew in the air.

"HARRY" Hermione screamed in pure terror, and we immediately looked behind us.

Crabbe and Ron were sprinting as fast as they could towards us, with a strange red-orange glow coming behind them.

"Like it hot, scum!" Crabbe shouted as he ran.

There was an enormous flame, burning its way quickly towards us.

This was no ordinary fire, it was magical, somehow.

"Aguamenti!" Hermione screamed, but the water immediately turned to steam in the heat.

"RUN!" I heard someone scream.

Draco pulled a stunned Goyle after him, following Crabbe, glancing back every few seconds, either to make sure he was still ahead of the fire, or to make sure that I was still there.

Ron, Harry, Hermione and I pelted as well, the fire chasing us as if it was alive.

Soon, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were gone, but we were trapped in a large circle of the living fire, which changed shape to resemble dragons and serpents.

I began shivering, though not from the cold, as the Room was unbelievably warm now.

Where was Draco?

The worst thought flew into my mind, and I had to exert all my energy not to shout his name.

"What can we do?" Hermione screamed over the roars of the fire, which was closing in on us by the second.

Harry looked around wildly, and his eyes widened.

"HERE!" He shouted, throwing an old broomstick at Ron, then me, taking one from himself.

Ron and Hermione clambered on one, and Harry and I mounted our own, and with a hard kick, we began flying, not a moment too soon, as the fire licked the floor where we just were seconds after we flew.

I looked around frantically, searching for Draco.


Maybe he got out?

The possibility seemed tiny.

"Harry, let's get out, let's get out!" Ron shouted, though I couldn't see him very well. The black smoke was beginning to effect visibility.

A high-pitched human scream suddenly echoed around.

My heart shuddered.

Harry seemed to have the same idea as me, for he turned around and flew back the way we had come.

"IF WE DIE FOR THEM, I'LL KILL YOU HARRY!" Ron shouted before speeding after Harry. I followed.

I kept my eyes wide open, though the smoke kept my eyes watering. Through the black ashes, I could see Hermione pull Goyle up onto their broom as Harry helped Draco.

In an instant, my heart began beating again.

Draco wasn't dead yet.

He was still very much alive.

Harry suddenly guided into his broom into a dived, and my heart stopped again. Had Harry lost control of his broom? I was about to follow when the broom flew upwards again, Harry clutching the diadem.

We all made a beeline to the exit.

Harry and Draco flew out first, colliding with the wall opposite the door. Hermione, Ron and Goyle flew out next, but landing a bit better. I flew out last and jumped off the broom before it hit the wall, my legs shaking and I tripped. I looked behind me, but the door to the Room of Requirement was gone. Good riddance!

"Crabbe.....Crabbe," I heard someone mutter.

"He's dead," Ron said.

Pretences behind, I staggered and flung myself at Draco, who had just stood up.

I didn't care anymore.

Draco nearly died.

I flung myself at him, and I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him into a hug, sobbing quietly, my head turned away from my friends.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Draco glance at Harry, Ron and Hermione. But he hugged me back tightly, his lips on my forehead.

"Are you alright?" I whispered, though I had the feeling that our audience were trying to, and were able to, hear every word.

"Never better," Draco whispered in my ear.

I sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the eyes on my back, and reluctantly pulled away from Draco, and slowly turned to face my friends.

Hermione, as expected, had a polite smile. She always knew about my relationship with Draco, so I didn't particularly expect her to be shocked or angry.

Ron, as I expected, gaped at us openly.

Harry, as I expected, was a mixture of shock and anger. I guess that's what people look like after they discover that one of their best friends is going out with their worst enemy, especially after that enemy tried to kill him, or rather, his other best friends. I could almost see Harry put the pieces of the puzzle together. How I had told him that I was seeing someone after I had disappeared with Draco at the Malfoy Manor......

"Well, this is unexpected," Ron said, trying to diffuse the tension, which was so thick that you could cut it with a chainsaw.

"Harry, what's that on your arm?" Hermione asked, trying to change the subject.

We all glanced at the diadem that Harry was clutching. It was leaking a black, tarry liquid, and within seconds, it broke into pieces.

"That must have been Fiendfyre," Hermione whispered.

"What?" Harry asked.

"The cursed fire, one of the few things that could destroy Horcruxes," Hermione explained. "I didn't want to use it because there's no way to control it, it's too dangerous. Harry, now it's just the snake-"

I wrapped my arm around Draco's waist and immediately stopped paying attention. Draco was here, he was with me, nothing else mattered. I could die on this spot, and I wouldn't care.

I looked up at Draco, who looked slightly uncomfortable with our audience, while I, on the other hand, couldn't care less. I hadn't seen Draco up close for a while, and he seemed a little worse for wear. There were bags under his eyes, he had a split lip and a small cut on his eyebrow.

On impulse, I reached up and gave him a quick kiss.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, and Fred and Percy backed into the corridor, duelling Death Eaters.

Harry, Ron and Hermione automatically rushed to help. I also pulled out my wand, but Draco's hand caught my wrist.

"No," he said.


"Yes, no."

"Draco, I have to-"

"I am not going to let you endanger yourself-"

"But that's what YOU'RE doing!"

"I know-"

"Don't be such a hypocrite!"

"Don't be rash, these Death Eaters aren't going to kill Harry, on the Dark Lord's orders, but they are aiming to kill everyone else."

"I won't get killed," I said.


"I won't get killed."

I looked into Skyler's eyes, and I knew right away that I couldn't let her walk away from me.

I had already lost her once, the day that Dumbledore died. I remember that day vividly. I only brought her back by chance. The time-turner was always in my pocket, from that day on, as a reminder of that day.

I wasn't about to lose her again.

As I looked into her eyes, I thought that maybe, if she knew what had really happened on the night of Dumbledore's death, that she would see my point of view.

Maybe she'll finally decide that she's too important for me to lose.

But I knew that I couldn't tell her.

Not now, not here.

Her knowing the true events might make her believe that she was ready for death, and then she'd have no trouble in throwing herself in harm's way.

You know, as much as I loved her, her martyr side really was annoying.


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