Chapter 3

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"Welp, it seems as though we've hit the ending point of the night."

I exclaimed as I hopped off Harry's back.

"Awwh!" The boys cried in unison.

Hannah was the one who seemed the most upset though. I couldn't really put my finger on why she was but I figured that she'd tell me later.

This day was seriously so perfect, Harry and I really seemed to hit it off. We never left each others side and he even held my hand many times. Mostly when he saw guys staring at me but I didn't mind his jealous reaction. Haha

I've never seen Hannah have so much fun though, she actually loosened up today and she was barely even that awkward after we met the boys. Which was quite surprising due to her past reactions to hot guys..

We started to walk out the gates and toward our cars.

"At least let us exchange numbers with you guys so we can keep in touch, yeh?" Louis suggested.

"Oh yea definitely! That's a great idea Louis!" Hannah chimed in.

I don't think I've ever seen her like this...

So we exchanged numbers and they all walked us to our car.

Good thing I drove a nice car, or that would've been embarrassing..

Now this was the sad part..

I gave Liam a hug and kiss on the cheek first, and then Louis. Hannah did the same then went to Harry then Niall. I went from Zayn to Niall then finally Harry. Hannah dramatically sauntered over to Zayn and they were whispering something I couldn't hear..

Harry smiled widely when I walked over to him. He was such a dork. Haha.

"Hello." He said with his adorable accent.

"Haha hi Harry." I replied dorkily.

"Alright so here's the deal." He said with a tone of voice that scared me..

"Yeees?" I said nervously.

"I like you, Jasmine. Like I really like you."

Him saying this made my heart go a million miles an hour.

"I- I like you too, Harry." I stammered.

A massive smile spread across both of our faces as he leaned in to kiss me goodnight. His lips fit so perfectly with mine. It wasn't one of those intense, 'I'm gonna slaughter your pussy' kind of kisses. It was just a soft kiss that still had a lot of meaning. I gave him a long hug to end the night and he whispered in my ear something that sounded like "I'll ring you up soon babe."

I smiled as we ended our hug and grabbed Hannah's hand as she ended her goodbyes with Zayn as well. I dragged her inside the jeep and closed the door for her like the gentleman I am.

We waved at the boys as we drove away.

I wonder where their car was..

"Jas look at that limo pulling in! Maybe it's Ed Sheeran! I heard he was I'm Florida! OMG!" Hannah shouted.

"Hmm that's odd that it's going into the CP parking lot.." I mumbled.

We drove away not even giving it another thought...

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