Chapter 6

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There weren't even words that could describe the emotions that I was feeling right now. My body filled with a mixture of anger, betrayal, and a bit of confusion.

I turned to Hannah and you could just tell by the way she was shaking that she was just as pissed as I was.

"What the hell?!" She finally said as she turned to me.

"What the actual fuck?!" I replied as the 5 idiots walked closer to the edge of the stage.

"How's everyone doin' tonight?" Louis shouted with a huge grin.

"Vas happenin', Columbus?!" Zayn continued.

The boys all walked around the stage as each one said their intros.

"Wazzup my crazy mofos?!" Niall


"Hi everybody!" Liam exclaimed.

And that's when my eyes turned to Harry, the last one to say his line. He looked around the crowd and started to speak..

"Hello everyone! My name is.. Jasmine?!"

His eyes met mine and he nearly fell over from the shock. I could hear a roar of "Whaa?"s coming from the crowd in confusion. He looked at me for a few more miserable seconds and then looked over to Louis.

Louis walks over to Harry to see what was up. Harry just whispered a few things and gave Louis a quick, nonchalant flick of his head in my direction. I figured that he was trying to tell Louis that Hannah and I were here. Louis then looked over at Hannah and I and his eyes widened from the sight.

The whole crowd stayed quiet and tried their best to try and figure out what was going on.

Liam then realized the situation at hand and tried his very best to keep the crowd entertained for the time being with some horrendous jokes that him and Niall came up with. I couldn't help but notice the look of complete sadness falling on Hannah's face as Zayn looked at her with regret.

I just don't understand why they didn't tell us about this before. I mean we gave them our numbers and everything and they didn't even call for months. And then we have to find out about this huge secret like THIS?! Just the nerve of those guys!

"Once everything was sorted out, Harry quickly looked at me once more and mouthed two words that had no meaning to me right now.

"I'm sorry."

I grabbed Hannah's hand and stormed out the exit of the stadium. We could here them starting to sing in the distance as we got farther away. Hannah and I didn't speak to each other until we were already in the hallway that led to the main entrance. This was due to the fact that we both we're feeling and thinking the exact same things.

When we approached the double doors we saw three built security guards blocking them.

"Excuse me but we would like to leave." I spoke, with a wee bit of sass.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but nobody is to leave the concert once it has started. Unless you have a medical emergency, we can't let you past these doors." One of them replied.

"But why aren't we aloud to leave?" Hannah asked.

"Because too many fans try and go through the back entrances and try to break into their tour buses."

"Ughh!" Hannah and I mimicked as we walked away from the doors and sat on a near by bench.

"I guess we're gonna have to sit here until this dumb concert is over." I spoke up.

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