It's all my fault

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As we gathered wood the man would every so often look back. I could sense something was wrong and I was right. He threw me onto the ground and ducked as thundering noise came.

"Crap. They found us. Someone needs to take those freken guns." He mumbled making sure I stayed down.

"Ow. Ow. Ow." I cried.

"What's wrong?"

"My ear. It hurts."

He crawled over and saw my ear "They shot your ear, lets go." He pulled my hood over my head and we stood up and ran back toward the cave.

When we ran in I collapsed breathing heavily, and trying to get feeling back in my ear. No luck.

"WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?" Author shouted rushing over.

"We where getting wood an-" the man said

"Where's the fire wood?" He glared

"And we were attacked, we dropped the wood trying to get out of the line or fire." He said looking at Author. "But, she got shot in the ear."

"WHAT?!" He sat down and pulled my hood off. "Annix get the wraps."

"Okay." She said rushing off.

"Why did you let this happen?!"

"It- It's just my ea-ear." I huffed

"Still, you got hurt."

"I'll be f-fine." I looked at him and smiled slightly

Author huffed and wrapped my ear so it would stop bleeding, but after he finished gunshots were fired into the cave toward Author, Annix, and I.

"GET DOWN!" Author yelled pulling Annix down with him. I soon jumped up and looked outside the cave.

I kept dodging the bullets and I was jumping around "Author! Ca- Can't we get farther in and take more co-cover?" I called still dodging bullets.

"Yeah. FALL BACK TAKE COVER IN THE CAVERANS!" He yelled as everyone ran into the caverans.

As we ran a few people got shot and I stayed back to help as many as I could. When we got as far back and took everyone to cover, and hid behind a few rocks.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! SINCE YOU CAME ALONG!" one of the men yelled at me. I looked at him then I looked down knowing it was.

"Hey, shut up you knew this was going to happen, Jim!" Author shouted furiously.

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