Back to the present

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I ran again and again I never had time to stop running from the human's. Why were they so mean? Why are the shooting at me with those metal things? I looked back and saw that I could finally rest, I sat down and sighed out of frustration. I laid down to sleep, I was tired what else do you expect me to do? I quickly fell asleep on the nice soft leaves.

I woke up soon after being crowded by human's all aiming those metal things at me. One of them nodged me with it signaling for me to stand up and I did.

"Get moving, beast." One of them shouted at me.

My ears lowered as they led me off away from my home, the forest. As they led me off I heard a loud thunder and one of the humans fell.

"GET DOWN!" one yelled pulling me down

"THIS IS OUR BEAST, FIND YOUR OWN!" another yelled

A small group of people walked over, everyone stood up glaring at them and all of them pointing guns. I sat up and looked at them.

"Let the girl go, our head would like to only speak with her then you can take her."


"Because your out numbered."

"Fine." He pulled me up and stood next to me.

Another human female walked over and smiled sweetly "No need to fear any of my husbands men. They wouldn't hurt you unless I gave them the word to. My name is Annix." She looked over to the man next to me "Can we speak in my tent up the hill, your men can stand outside."

He nodded and we all walked up the hill, Annix and I walked into the tent and sat down.

"As you know I'm Annix, my husband will be here shortly his name is Aut-"

"HELLO DEAR!" A tall man with blue eyes and brown short hair walked in.

"Oh hello Author." She looked at me "We have a guest, straighten up."

He looked over at me "Ah, the girl I asked for. I'm Author and your name is?"

I looked down ears lowered "I-I'm He-Heric- Herico." I studdered.

"Well, Let's begin. Long ago we all both your kind and mine were friends, until one human desided to attack your kind while you were an animal, for your fur. Now I have a question for you." He sat beside me and looked me in my eyes. "Your father. Were is he?"

I looked at him then looked down "H-He-He's.... " I looked down holding back the tears.


"He w-was shot...." I kept looking down.

Annix and Author looked at me then too each other. "And your mom or sister?"

I clinched my hands together and shook my head no. "N-no, sa-same fa-fate." I was shaking.

One of the other men walked in "Are you done here?"

Author stood up "Actually no. You can not take her." He grabbed one of the metal guns and held it, pulling me behind him.

"Why not?"

"She's the queen of her kind. The only one left." He growled "and will be placed under my care."

"Your deal was to hand her back to US!" He growled.

Herico's adventureWhere stories live. Discover now