What a strange night....

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He tried to move but yelled from pain. I sat down and grabbed a pair of tweezers to get the bullet out and a wrap to stop the bleeding. "Hold still. This is going to hurt...." I said looking at him. He looked at me and grabbed my arm bracing himself. I nodded and gently took the bullet out. He yelled gripping my arm tighter and tighter. He finally loosened his grip and caught his breath after I finished wrapping the wound. After treating a few people I stopped, rubbing my arm and looking around.

"Author?" I mumbled looking at one of the men brought in.... he wasn't moving. I guess blacked out. I rushed over and looked at him. Annix ran over and pushed me aside looking over Author up and down.

"He's almost gone.... ERGET CARE!" She yelled running to the back of the cave with everyone following leaving me alone with Author.

"What? His heart is beating normally, he has no bullet holes or anything. He just hit his head...." I mumbled. I felt his head and huffed. "And he's sick." I mumbled. I sat down and waited for something. A few minutes later Author groaned and sat up holding his head.

"Ow...." He grumbled

He looked around and then looked at me and smiled slightly "Why, hello Herico. Do you know where everyone is?"

"All I know is that Annix yelled "erget care" and everyone ran to the back." I looked back.

"All I did was hit my head. Did I look that hurt?"


He smiled and chuckled a bit then stood up. "Well, lets go find em." He started walking towards the back. I ran after then followed.

"Okay. Author?"

"Hm, yeah?"

"What did you mean earlier about me being the only one? Am I the only one left of my kind?"

"No. I meant that your the only one left of your royal family. That necklace around your neck is the symbol of you families crest." He smiled looking at me.

"Oh." I looked down at the necklace and nodded.

As we walked there was another light quickly coming toward us the light got closer and closer till it stopped in front of us.

"Wha- AUTHOR YOUR OKAY!" Annix yelled hugging him.

"I got knocked over the head. You kind of over reacted."

"I was scared." She growled backing up.

"So you leave Herico by herself and leave with EVERYONE following."

"I-" she stopped herself "I'm sorry."

Author hugged Annix and chuckled "It's fine."

~A few hours later~

"Author and Annix are still talking" One of the men mumbled.

"Maybe they fell asleep." Another suggested grinning.

I mumbled and stared at the lightly flared fire.

"Someone needs to get fire wood." A women said

"I will." I said looking into the fire still.

"I'll go with as we know Author will flip if we let you out alone." He stood and started leaving.

I stood up and rushed over to follow. He stopped and smiled at me. "Sorry I'm a little fast...."

I shrugged and looked at him as we continued on for wood.

Herico's adventureWhere stories live. Discover now