The Creature Of December

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"Ryan I think we are done for the night for filming." said Greg.

"Oh." I said.

"Are you alright? You've been acting weird the last several days." said Greg.

"I guess, Kyle's been out of town, so I've been in the house by myself, and I keep hearing weird sounds." I said to Greg.

"Oh ok, you want us to stay here with you then?" asked Greg.

"No I'm just being weird. Ya'll can go, I'll be fine." I said to them.

"He gets this way every year before Christmas, I don't really know why he does. It's all month long." said Sean. I rolled my eyes.

"Whoa did something happen?" asked Derrick.

"I don't really remember what happen, someone told me a scary story and that's all I remember but yeah Sean's right, something about December freaks me out." I said.

"Oh ok. Are you sure you don't want us to stay?" asked Derrick.

"Yeah I'll be fine. I'm a grown ass man, who's 25, I think I'll be ok." I said trying to laugh a little even though I was freaking out. I really wished I remembered what I was told.

"Call me if you get really freaked out ok." said Sean. I nodded.

"Ok." I said. I'm to stubborn to call anyone, I'll be fine what could go wrong? Sean narrowed his eyes at me.

"I know you, call me if you get to freaked out." said Sean. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Alright, go already, I'm fine." I said to them. Even though I was panicking a little and freaking out. Everything in me telling me to tell them to stay, but my stubbornness wouldn't let me. A few minutes later everyone was gone and it was 9:30pm. I realized I was standing in the middle of the room breathing hard, I closed my eyes and breathed in and out and I opened my eyes and sat down and turned the TV on but when I did, there was a loud noise upstairs. I quickly stood up.

"Hello someone up there?" I called out. I waited for a second, I didn't hear anything so I sat down a little nervous. I really wish I remembered what freaked me out so bad from before. A second later I heard the noise again. I just ignored it and watched TV. This time the noise was louder and scarier sounding, I quickly shot up breathing hard. I slowly walked to the first stair, and listening for the noise again.

:thumpity-thump: I quickly stood back breathing even harder, there is defiantly something up there, I slowly walked to the first step again.

:A loud medley went off: I yelled and jumped, then I realized my phone was ringing, I reached into my pocket and quickly answered it.

"Hello?" I asked scared and out of breath.

"Ryan? Are you ok, what's wrong?" asked Kyle on the phone. I sighed.

"It's December, but it's getting worse, I swear there is something upstairs." I said to my brother. My brother sighed on the phone.

"There is nothing upstairs, it's fine, call Sean to come hang out with you, I'll be home in a couple days." said Kyle.

"I can't wait that long, please tell me what happened when I was little." I said to Kyle.

"Go stay with someone then, nothing happened, it's an old scary Hawaiian wives tale." said Kyle.

"Why do I feel like something actually happened?" I asked him.

The Creature Of DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now