Chapter 6

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🎁🎄🎅Happy Christmas!!!🎅🎄🎁


When I first woke up I wasn't in my bed. In fact I wasn't in my house at all. I could smell the harsh chemicals Daddy came home smelling like if he was in his office all day. The same chemicals that completely erase all traces of the blood that is spilt in this building. My face was pressed against the warm leather of my daddy's office couch. As I went to turn over I discovered that I couldn't move much because I was covered by Daddy's heavy overcoat as well.

Even with my eyes closed I could tell that it was pretty late into the day. Listening to the sounds of Ibiki's pencil scratching across the page was soothing, almost lulling me back into another bout of sleep. But it didn't. As I lie there listening harder, I noticed the swish of clothing and the sound of air rushing by outside the office door as torture and interrogation personal bustled about doing their daily activities.

I heard Ibiki's chair roll back and the soft thuds of his feet as he approached the couch I was on. My legs were lifted and I felt the couch dip as dad sat down. My legs were then gently lowered onto his lap and as his folder was placed on top of them, the soft scribbling sound once again could be heard throughout the room. I quickly drifted back out of conscience.


When I woke for the second time I was warm. Far warmer than I would be in a bed or covered up with my blanket. I could clearly smell the scent of Daddy's cologne. My head was lying up against a shoulder. Ibiki's shoulder. I shifted, wanting my daddy to know I was awake.

"D-da" My blood ran cold. I quickly covered with a small cough and said "Ibiki?"

"Yeah Kimi, I'm right here." Ibiki said but in a weird tone. "How are you feeling?" This however was spoken in a rushed and seemingly worried way.

"I'm fine, I'm just tired." I said, I didn't want Daddy to worry about me. My stomach grumbled. "But I am hungry. How long was I out?"

"About three days. According to the doctor at the hospital, you simply went a little overboard on using your chakra and since your only ten your body didn't handle the draining effects too well." Ibiki said "We will work on get you chakra reserve maximum improved when there is a chance. And I'll make food if you go take a shower you kind of stink."


It's a relief to have my little girl back. Kakashi told me what happened and I couldn't help but to have very conflicting feeling about this.

On one hand I'm pissed. She could have died from chakra loss. And what type of Sensei forgets his own student for a little over 6 hours. Hell, even Gai, wouldn't just forget about his student and his mind is all over the place.

And on the other I'm proud. I'm proud that my little girl was able to go completely unnoticed by anyone for 6 hours and to top it off even the famous Copy Cat Ninja couldn't find her.

I was also slightly ashamed. Kimi, I thought, knew better. She should have participated in the activity that was planned. She shouldn't have questioned her sensei's authority.

I sighed. What conflicting thought indeed. To be mad, proud, and ashamed, not to mention just a little bit amused. I guess we learned that all those years of focusing on her genjutsu wasn't in anyway, shape, or form a waste of time.

According to Kakashi, her genjutsu was undeniably flawless and if someone guessed they were in a genjutsu, judging by the strength of it still after 6 hours, it would be a bitch to get out of.

Kimi shifted slightly, bringing my thoughts back to the present. "D-da" My eyes widened slightly and she tensed up."Ibiki?" My mood dropped. I had thought she was actually going to call me Dad. She never calls me Dad even though I had been hers for nine years.

"Yeah Kimi, I'm right here." I said but my tone was kind of depressing. "How are you feeling?" I spoke quickly trying for a more happy tone but it sounded more worried in a way.

"I'm fine, I'm just tired." She said. Bull shit! I thought. She is probably hungry and feeling drained! Her stomach grumbled and she said "But I am hungry. How long was I out?"

"About three days. According to the doctor at the hospital, you simply went a little overboard on using your chakra and since your only ten your body didn't handle the draining effects too well." I said However I'm not one hundred percent sure they knew what they were doing. They said that she should've awakened after her chakra reserve filled back up and after no more than twenty four hours but it took her three whole days. "We will work on get you chakra reserve maximum improved when there is a chance. And I'll make food if you go take a shower you kind of stink." I scrunched up my nosed for added effect but she didn't even look up at me.

"Ok!" Kimi cheered before bouncing up the stairs to take a shower. I walked to the kitchen and got to work making dumplings, and as there sweet scent started to drift around the house I smiled. Even though Kimi is not acting like normal it's still nice to see my little Angel conscience and well.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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