Chapter 2

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I take my time closing my Padlet and pushing back my chair to ensure that I'll be the last one out of the class. Finally, I pull down my sleeves nervously and, with my Padlet under one arm, head towards my locker. I miraculously make it there without any mishaps except for the usual "accidental" bumping. As I press my thumb onto the cold surface of my locker, I spot a pink figure wading through the crowd. Oh gosh, not again. As soon as the latch clicks open, I grab my lunch and rush to close my locker. Finally ready to go, I turn around just to realize that a smiling Cheska is leaning on the locker next to mine. Great.

"Hey Flatty, what's that you've got there?"

I stare at my boots without answering. This is nothing new. I don't care about her anyways; she's what my mom would call "society's puppet". Cheska's younger than me but you could never tell by looking at her. She towers over me by at least a head and her waistline is 3 times mine. Her clothes stick to her body perfectly and show off all of her curves. She's got a model's body so all the boys in school want her. Kind of like my sister in fact.

"Seems good." She adds, eyeing my lunch, "Were you planning on eating that? I hope so, you clearly need it."

I can almost feel her smirk as she pauses.

"In fact, I'm surprised you even have food at home." She looks me up and down, "seeing the state you're in."

I keep looking at my feet. Little does she know that I'm rich beyond the dream of avarice. Well um, at least my dad is.

"You know that it's very impolite not to answer someone who's talking to you?"

"That's the point," I think.

The hallway is almost empty now since everyone is in the Commons so I try to push pass Cheska but she easily blocks my path by simply extending one of her massive arms. Well shoot, looks like I'm in for a ride.

"I know you're thin as a stick so you're not used to being talked to much but you could at least make an effort. I mean, come on."

"Silence is the most effective weapon you have." I think to myself, my eyes still trained on my black boots.

"Fine, I was trying to be nice but you don't seem to be in a very talkative mood."

As she finishes her sentence, Cheska reaches out and snatches my lunch from my hands. She then runs off to meet up with her friends in the Commons while screaming out "It's not like it would make a difference anyways."

"Yeah, that's right, you are soooo nice to me." I mutter into my jacket collar while looking at her perfect figure getting smaller and smaller as she walks away. I then head towards one of the many automatic dispensers scattered along the walls of the hallway. I swipe my student card and press my finger on the pad of the dispenser before typing into it. I grab my makeshift lunch when it flies out and head for the door. This has become a daily ritual. When I make it outside, I quickly spot my bench and settle down with my one and only friend: my bag of chips.

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