Chapter Two: Who am I?

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A/N STOP YOUR SCROLLING! Wait, you need to scroll to read... ANYWAAAAY! I just got done reading Can A Bird Trust A Cat by TheBatandTheBird. Best. Mistake download. Ever. I cried at the epilogue.... So, check that out guys. I dedicate this chapter to her so she knows I was reading offline and shiv like that. CONTINUE!

After a while, Stella and I stopped laughing. I whipped away tears of happiness from my eye. It's been a while since I've been able to come close to laughing like that. I looked up and saw Bruce looking at Stella with a smile, unlike the business smile that he had given me not long before. A theory pulled at the back of My mind as I threw my legs over to the opposite side of the hospital bed where Stella was.
I stretched and let out a yawn. "Satomi Kokoro Lupana," Bruce said. "That is your full name?" He was watching me, watching my every move. "Actually," I said, biting back a sigh, "My entire full name is Satomi Antoinette Mikado Lupana. Kokoro, meaning 'Heart', is a nickname." At my full name, Wayne's eyes widened slightly, but they immediately returned to their original position. He recognized the names... But which ones? Certainly it couldn't have been my last, because I adopted Stella's maiden name...
I stood up, careful to hold close the back of the hospital gown and walked around the room. My legs felt as if I had rested them just long enough after a long run. I swung my arms around in circles, finding them more or less the same. The scars were still there, but its as if they had never felt pain. I rolled my torso around gently.
I felt the stitches that held my skin together, but it's as if they were in for no reason. I was physically healed. It was as if I had never been injured at all, if it wasn't for what my memory told me.
I turned around, looking out the window. Bruce and Stella had started a conversation that had nothing to do with me. I caught sight of a figure in red and yellow. It zipped around the hospital in circles, from what I could tell. The Flash? I just shook my head an moved away from the window to get dressed. I decided on a black and white kimono with a mini skirt with a pair of black leggings, and a pair of black and white high-tops. I went into the bathroom to change. I was more than likely leaving today. I don't wanna be surrounded by these white walls any longer.
I quickly put on my clothes, I brush my teeth and hair. I put it up in two ponytails over my shoulders. I took off my eye patch (itchy little thing) and made sure that my bang covered my abnormal eye left. I made sure that my scars were hidden before leaving the bathroom.
"My wolf heart, oh how beautiful you are," Stella purred at me, taking in my appearance. "Thanks," I said, smiling briefly. "Now, can I get somewhat of an explanation, please?!" I snapped. I hate being kept in the dark, especially when I could help it. And this was one if those times where I could help it. "First," Bruce started, "we need to change our location. After what happened last night, it's better we don't risk it."
I shot Stella a look. She was like a mother, sister, and best friend all rolled into one for me. And right now, it was one of those sisterly moments when your sibling is holding stuff back from you like a brat. She just winked at me and held out a box, nothing descriptive. Just a square black box. "Open it later. You'll need it," Stella said, grabbing my bag from my hands and putting the box on side of my laptop. I rolled My eyes and smiled lightly. The things you convince me to do, Stella...
I followed both Bruce and Stella out of the room. I must've been unhooked from the machines while I was sleeping, cause I sure don't remembering being hooked up. I held my bag with both hands, walking between Bruce and Stella with my head down. I noticed some people giving me looks. I ignored them, deciding to walk with my head held high instead of bowed. I won't show weakness. I've already done enough of that for 5 lifetimes.
"Miss Lupana, this way please," said Bruce. They were going down via the stairs, which I knew meant exercise because we were on the thirteenth floor. I grudgingly followed them, grumbling something about food. It was then I realized I was hungry. But I didn't mention it. There was sure to be food where we are going.
My mind strayed from my surroundings as I continued walking between Stella and Bruce. I was trying to make sense of things. There were important pieces missing from this puzzle. Would time reveal them? Or will I forever be left in The dark? At that thought, I internally scowled, careful not to let my emotions show on the outside.
I was subtly aware of stepping outside and in to a limo.
What did my eye have to do with anything? The lady with The string? Who was she? Why me, though? I was a person who believed in Fate, Destiny, Light and Darkness, all with capital letters. Nothing could convince me otherwise, and Stella only encouraged that in me.
War was coming, but what am I up against? Which side is good? Why is this war approaching? Should I even be on the good side? What reason do I have to be?
At that last question, I felt My gut clench. These questions were only leading to more questions. I'll find out when the time is right, but now, I have to be like water and follow the flow and shape of things.
I rested My face against the side of the car door, feeling as if I only slept for three hours instead of three weeks. I fell asleep, with one last question on My mind that made me smile. What are my powers...?

I was surrounded by Darkness. It felt right, as if I was born to be here. "Lady Heart,~" someone called out to Me in a singsong voice. I turned and saw the last person I expected to invade my dreams.
It was like a negative copy of myself. My hair white, skin so white, snow would've been jealous. A red eye met my aqua green one. It had a hidden dept to it, one I couldn't place. "Who am I?" I asked, feeling that this was the best question I could ask.
Surprising me, the negative copy kneeled to me, her skirt long enough to do that without flashing anything. She held a fisted hand over her heart with a lowered head. "Merry meet, my lady. You are Lady Despair Heart, Sired by both Light and Darkness, just like your sister," she said. With her last words, I backed up, my eyes wide. I couldn't help but feel... as if she could tell nothing but the truth to me. "Elaborate," I ordered her. She only gave me a wicked smile. "Not now queen. You have training to do. Oh, and by the way, the blood thing is a bit of my fault." With those last words to me, I let my consciousness to be pulled from thus world, my last glance of Negative being her still bowing, but her eyes were filled with worry. "Be safe, Queen..."

I opened my eyes as the limo pulled to a stop. I sat up and rubbed the rest of sleep out of my eyes. I felt better rested than I have in ages! Man, I love feeling top-shape.
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," Stella teased next to me. "Oh, shut up you," I say scowling. Sleeping Beauty was my least favorite Disney princess. It was a very passionate hate. She laughed and attempted to push my hair out of my eye. I almost let her until I remembered the other person here. As a cover-up for pulling away, I stretched and yawn- making it look genuine because it was.
Stella got out of the car, following- WAIT IS THAT BATMAN?!?
A strangled gasp escaped my lips as I looked upon THE Dark Knight. I looked back at Stella, then back at Batman. I did that a few times before I finally yelled; "The Helheim is going on, Stella?!" She just looked at me with that same depth in her eyes as what I call Satonative. A mixture of My name and the word negative.
Wonderful! A wonderful name, thank you, Queen. A voice said at the back of my head as I follow Batman and Stella, who was dressed up in a black and blue leotard. I noticed she had placed a mask on her face- Oh come on! Stella was a superhero? "FML," I whisper-yelled.
My lady, Satonative whispered to me, what does FML stand for? I smirked slightly, realizing that Satonative was somewhat innocent. FML stands for Fuck My Life, I thought to her. I could imagine her making a little 'o' shape with her mouth. Interesting...
I only shook my head. And that's when I realized I was alone. The limo was gone and so were Batman and Stella. I let out a frustrated scream and I clawed at an alley wall. I noticed My duffle bag next to my feet.
After picking out the box inside of it, I picked it up and threw It over my shoulder. It was more than likely gonna be this way anyway. But why did Stella leave Me here, alone in a Gotham alley, when she said that I was gonna be joining the Justice League?
More and more, these equations weren't adding up at all. I opened the box, and there was a mask. It was a half mask, black and it had some sort of flexible material on where the eyes should be which allowed the wearer to see out, but no one could see the eyes of the wearer. I put it on, placing my hair in a complete bun.
I just bit the tip of my index finger hard, drawing blood. I watched as it sat there on my finger.
Satonative? I silently thought. Yes, My lady? She replied almost automatically. What did you mean earlier by ' The blood thing'? She hesitated slightly. My lady, if you would allow me for a brief period of time, I can guide your actions into the way of Blood Art.

A/N: Woahhhh there. Blood Art sounds pretty deep. Like Blood Bending in Avatar The Last AirBender. I wonder, I wonder...
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I'm not planning on abandoning this story whatsoever. In fact, I stay up late a lot to work on it. I'm very motivated.
Friend in background: Isn't that what you said about Code Titan?
Me: Oh hush your mouth.
Friend: Boo, you whore.
Me: Touché. Anyway, I just wanted to make something clear.
When like this, it's an author's note,
When like this, it's either a dream or thoughts.
When like this, it's a flashback.
When like this, Satonative and Satomi are talking to each other.
"When like this, it means the team are speaking through the mind link."  Thanks again guys!! Now, I have to work on Pretty Face, Dark Soul and Dream Warriors.... Oops.

Tuxedo mask has- nah I'm just kidding

§The Rose Has Fallen§

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