Chapter Nineteen: The chapter you all have been waiting for!

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Hey I have computer access! So a longer chapter this will be! Not posting this till I have 2000 words or more!!!

Luckily, despite recent events, no one was hurt. I watched as my sister and her aquantence drove away from me in a police car. Back to Arkham. Where people like her belonged. Frost, Stellar, Stitches and Rain were by my side as I carefully watched my sly sister glare at me from the back of a police car.
I read her lips as she snarled at me; I'll get it one day. You won't live forever. I'll dance on your grave.... There was more, but I couldn't catch it. After a while, I finally I allow myself to breathe a sigh of relief, the constricting feeling in my chest now gone.
I watched as Stitches erupted into a wave of tears. It totally shocked me. Unused to comforting child, I awkwardly wrapped my arms around Jace as he cried. I felt something....
"What ever are you crying for?" I asked him in a voice that surely wasn't my own.
"M-my arm!" he barely said in a whisper. I reached for the arms he was holding in his hand, but before I could lift up his sleeve, what looked like his mother came running up and capturing him in her arms. "Jace! Oh my baby, are you okay?!" He didn't day anything as he transitioned his cries to sobs. She didn't even look at me as she took Jace way, away from the danger, away from me. Along with the strange thing I felt, Jace was gone.
Frost tugged on my shirt hem and I looked down. "I'd better take Rainbow hone too," he said, gesturing to Rainbow's hand in his own. The feeling I had with Jace reappeared, except multiplied by two. I just smirked. "Whatever, kiddos," I said, ruffling their brown hair. They both smiled and skipped off, towards a home where brothers and sister were.
Last was Stellar, who had been looking at ms with a calculated look, with eyes that were smarter, more intelligent than those of a 10 year old. "Fae... Fairy?" She asked me for confirmation. I simply nodded. "So I'm guessing Wiccan is witch," she said, not phrasing it as a question. "Yep," I said, watching her eyes. "Why bo-" she started, but was cut off with the cry of her father, exclaiming bow much he missed his little girl.
He looked at me once and gave a huge, warm smile before saying, "Thank you for watching over my Destiny," he said. "Anytime," I said with my usual smirk. He handed me a card which surprised me yet again. "If you need anything, just call the second number," he said. I nodded and he walked away with Stellar.
I noticed that she had a feeling coming from her too, but it was like I was feeling myself, so familiar, filled with an untainted purity. That's what set her different from me. Her purity was untainted while I was unsure if I had any of my own left.
I decided as I looked at the sun set that it was time for me to go as well. I headed to the nearest Zeta tube, not bothering to do anything but slip on my mask before I stepped inside. As usual, my eyes closed and the familiar feeling overtook me.
"Recognized, Despair Heart, B09" the computer announced. I was the last one here. "You're late," Artemis pointed out. They were all in civvies. Great. "Well excuse me. I just had a little problem while I had a fucking gun held to my head less than a fucking hour ago. So if you don't mind me, I'll just take my infinite time," I snapped at Artemis, placing my hand on my hip, daring her to say anymore.
My outburst had set her aback, but it didn't surprise her. "W-" she started, but was cut off by my glare, equivalent to Batsy himself. "WHAT THE FUCK WHY IS YOUR HAIR FREAKING THE COLOR OF FLAMES?!?!?" BunnyBear pointed out as she flew over to me. "Little accident with the hair dye," I said simply, shrugging my shoulders. "I hate it," I said as she played in my locks.
"Anyway," let's get this show on the road," I said with fake enthusiasm. "I think the flames look good on you!" Miss M said, also playing with my hair. Since I had a strict regimen not to upset nice people, I continued to let them play in my hair, shifting uncomfortably whenever they came to close to my scalp or shoulders.
I hardly remember much after that. I was too busy thinking of what was going on to pay attention to what's going on. If that makes sense... When I came to, we were already outside where I assume the concert was being held. Miss M was in her Caucasian human form and everyone was out of costume. Robin had a pair of sun glasses that covered half of his face, which was pointless to me. I still saw Richard. Although I knew everyone else didn't.
Right then and there, a hand reached out and touched my shoulder. I spun around in surprise as a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes around the age of 17 smiled at me. "Satomi! There you are! Come on, we can't do this without you!" I didn't resist as I was pulled away. I only glanced over my shoulder at the team who was looking at me in confusion. "Des-" Robin started but I waved him off by starting a torrent of thoughts. I smiled and waved at them as we turned the corner. I then turned and face d forward. This person knew my name, and I was gonna find out why.
I watches the boy, searching for any sign of familiarity. The only thing that felt familiar was as if I had heard or read a description of him before. I racked my brain for anything, throwing our what wasn't likely. "Apollo," I gasped in recognition. "Shh," said the god of the sun.
"Call me James," he said. "Okay James," I said suspiciously. "What is it that you want with me?" I asked. We stopped by another entrance to the building and I placed my hands on my hips, hoping a small glare was enough to not make the god angry but enough to make him explain the suddenness. "Just beware those who pretend to be a friend," was all he said as he opened the door and shoved me inside. "Have fun!" he exclaimed with smile as he closed the door.
I wanted to scream out to him and demand answers to what he was talking about, but I knew I would receive no reply. Instead I turned and met a pair of unnaturally orange eyes. I just made a blank face and said nothing. At this point, I was used to surprises. "Yes?" I asked as he continued to stare at me.
"Human," he said as if he'd decided. "What?" I asked. He only turned and gestured for me to follow him as he pulled his hoodie over his head. I huffed but said nothing as I followed him, all my senses on alert. That's when the full featured of his face registered and I tripped, neatly gasping out loud.
An ache that wasn't mine lifted in my chest. The boy I found on the beach... my prince....
I shook mentally shook my head as I tried to regain control of my emotions. Why is it that my heart is feeling these things?! I don't even know his name! I scolded myself silently. He turned for a second and looked at me with a strange expression on his face.
I stepped back with my eyes wide and I briefly wondered if he could hear my thoughts. Or the way my heart was racing. A small blush coated my cheeks at the same time as his. He turned around once again and continued leading me. I tried to control myself.
I'm blushing for gods' sake!!! I pinched my leg and followed him right up to a door, which he melted right through. Okay. Nothing weird about that. I reached out for the doorknob, not wanting to seem like an idiot if I tried to melt through it like he did, only to run into the door. My hand grasped the knob, which seemed to have no substance.
I gripped where the knob should be, but all I felt was air. "Dear gods," I grumbled. Just to be sure, I reached my hand out to the spot where I saw him disappear and was awarded by my hand going through. I sighed and stepped completely through the faux door, my skin feeling the switch in temptress immediately. A hand landed on my shoulder, and I instinctively grabbed it and spun around, only to see the boy from earlier. I relaxed and let his hand go, but only slightly.
"What's your name? " I asked after we had just started at each other for a few seconds. "I'm Richard," he said simply. I puffed out my bottom lip slightly. "I'm Defehlath," I said.
What. The. Hell.
I had never heard that name before in my entire life. Why had I lied and said that was my name? I swear, this boy was doing weird things to my brain. He turned his head to look at me. "Funny," he said as he leaned into my face. "What's so funny?" i demanded. "The fact that you actually told me your name," Richard said. "And?" i questioned him, my eyes set on his with a cynical glare. Something in his eyes... what was it? They were just like....

Suddenly, a wall of fire bloomed between me and Richard, although I could still see him no problem, despite the fact that the wall was taller than me by three feet. "Defehlath!" a new voice yelled, one that I hadn't heard since....

"Agh!" I screamed, collapsing to my knees, my head bursting with too many memories.

A blonde man walked up to me, and even though I couldn't make out the features of his face, I knew that this wasn't Apollo, the one who had led me here, a betrayal god.

"Dear, Dear niece of mine..." said the man as he crouched down next to my screaming form. "Daughter of the Sea, Essence of Darkness, an Angel in disguise, guided by fire...." my uncle said. I felt him grab a lock of my hair. In that very same moment, a transparent wall of construct took the place of the fire, and Richard was gone. I looked up at my uncle and spat at him, which is when he decided to pull hard on the lock of hair he had in his hand. 

"See you soon, dear niece," he said. And as quickly as he appeared, he was gone, leaving me alone on the floor, my head in pain.

"Despair!" Superboy said, knocking through a door that I didn't know was even there. Right... with the screams... Superboy would have heard.... Directly behind him, the rest of the little league was there, demanding answers of what had happened, but the wall of construct had them stuck on the other side. I laid on my side with a blank expression as I watched them try and break through the construct that I had a feeling was of my own creation, just as the wall of fire was. The ones who were trying the hardest to get to me were Kid Flash, Robin and BunnyBear. Robin was continuously throwing multiple bird-a-rangs at the wall, screaming senseless things. 

BunnyBear was slamming her fist on the wall, just as Superboy was. M'gann was using telekinesis to slam chairs and tables and more at the wall. Aqualad was missing from this action. My gaze settled on Kid Flash, who was running back and forth, using his shoulder as a battery ram against the construct. Their efforts were futile, as I knew that only I would be able to bring down this wall. 

I closed my eyes, and rolled onto my back, screaming one word.


I didn't wait for their response. I couldn't. Something was happening, and I wasn't going to be able to stop it.

"Ah shit!

As my sky turns from autumn to ash
I hate you more and more each day
As my mind grows angry by the hour
My circumstances look so gray"

A wall of flame joined the construct, but unlike before, It expanded and began to move throughout the building. The little league was forced to retreat, and my eyes met Kid Flash's when I sang this line

"Please don't forgive me
I can't forgive myself"

With that, I closed my eyes again, and they were gone, leaving me alone in my flames

"knife is planted in my back

I'm the deepest cut
I'm the deepest wound
I'm the deepest lie you ever told
I'm the hardest part
I'm the blackest heart
I'm the darkest night that's way too cold
I'm leaving
I'm leaving now
I'm leaving
I'm the one that's always leaving you
(always leaving you)

Like drilling holes deeper in my teeth
I fake the smile on my face (I'm leaving)
Constantly shoving your fingers down my throat
You know the best ways to bring the worst outta me

Please don't forgive me
I can't forgive myself
The knife is planted in my back

I'm the deepest cut
I'm the deepest wound
I'm the deepest lie you ever told
I'm the hardest part
I'm the blackest heart
I'm the darkest night that's way too cold
I'm leaving
I'm leaving now
I'm leaving
I'm the one that's always leaving you

Leaving you

I'm the deepest cut
I'm the deepest wound
I'm the deepest lie you ever told
I'm the hardest part
I'm the blackest heart
I'm the darkest night that's way too cold
I'm leaving
I'm leaving now
I'm leaving
I'm the one that's always leaving you
Always leaving you

Always leaving"

The Rose has Fallen

Celestial Despairing Heart (UNDER EDIT Blood Heart Trilogy) Bk#1Where stories live. Discover now