Chapter Fifteen: Unexpected

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Percy looked at me, his eyes filled with awe as if that wasn't what he expected. "Sis..." was all he managed to say. That's when the bell signalling school to Be over rang and I automatically sighed with relief.
"So what's going to happen?" I asked, leaning against a wall.
"First, we're gonna take you to Camp," he said.
"What, Camp Half Blood?" I scoffed and smirked.
He looked at me and smiled. "I see you've read the books," he said. The smirk dropped off of my face as what he said registered. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, waaaiit," I said, holding up a hand. "CHB is real?" I squeaked. If he said yes...
"If it wasn't, I wouldn't be Percy Jackson," he said, grinning at my reaction.
I screamed.

Percy told me that he would 'be back for me tomorrow after school. I had explained to him that I had to... clear some things up. He had seemed suspicious, but he let it drop. He doesn't know you that well, after all, Satonative spoke up to me.  Imotas! I exclaimed back to her. I haven't heard from you since three days ago!!!! She chuckled.
Sorry, my queen. You are still weak now. If I were to appear to you very often, it would weaken you more, She exclaimed. I'm surprised you've been holding up so well, despite the fact of have discovering three of your forms in three days. She said, slowly materializing before me as I walked the streets of Gotham. I had decided not to go back to the Mountain just yet.
Instead of her usual Negative form, She looked a like me, except her eyes were uncovered and the color of blood. "Imotas?" she asked aloud. I nodded. "Satonative was a mouthful. I like Imotas better," I explained.
"I like it as well," she said, smiling. "Thank you, my queen," she said, doing a slight curtsy as we waited at a corner for a pedestrian light.
I returned her smile.
"Ey, Imo?" I called. "Yes, my queen?" she said, pulling her attention away from a black cat. "Why do you call me 'Queen' and 'Lady' as if I'm a noble or of royal descent?" I asked. She smiled at me once more. "Once you have discovered the limit of your power," she said as we began to walk again, "then You will understand."
I almost snapped at her and demanded she tell me what she meant, but I held my tongue. Patience was not one of My virtues, at times.
We were close, maybe a block or two, away from the alley by my school. "This is where we depart, my queen," she said. I nodded slowly, slightly disappointed that her calming presence will soon be gone.
"Before I go..." she started, reaching into a pocket. She pulled out a black ring with the words Omnia Vincit Amor engraved in gold. My eyes widened at her, but only for a second. "What's this for?" I said, taking the rung from her and putting it on. We had stopped by a corner we had passed earlier. "You'll know in due time," she said.
I almost sighed in frustration. She did a small bow to me and began to walk away in the other direction. I knew it wasn't necessary, but she did it just to make anyone who happened to be watching not assume anything strange. I watched as she turned a corner and was gone. I then turned around, but I was unable to move as I saw a car barreling towards me.


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