Chapter 20: I told you that it was too much...

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"The entire building... burned to the ground!"

"It started with a person, no one is saying much about who it is...."

"Those lives were barely saved. The Justice League had to get involved...."

I ran from it all. Although, no matter how fast I ran, I still heard snatches of conversation. I thought i was crying, but as I ran to no where, I reached my hands up to my face. They came back dry. I almost killed all those people....

The worst part about it was that I was running back to the place where it all began, the place I was told to meet Superman, the man of Steel. He wanted to meet with me- no, not me. Despair Heart. He wanted to meet with Despair Heart, for reasons unknown to me. I found myself running into the nearest Zeta Tube, and before I knew it, I was closing my eyes, being teleported to Mount Justice. I walked in, my hood pulled low over my head. Unfortunately for me, I forgot that the computer announces my arrival.
Before I knew it, a Kid Flash streaked past me, grabbing me by the waist, and tossing me onto the living room couch. A stream of cuss words flew out of my mouth, in both Greek and English, my now flaming red hair dancing around me, the color only infuriating me more. "What the hell do you want?!" I snapped at the little league, my hair beginning to smoke a bit. Smelled like a camp fire.
The only people in the room were me, Robin, Kaldur'ahm, Wallace and Red Arrow.
I briefly looked around for the missing members before turning to face the others. "Des, I can explai-" Robin began, but was shoved back and out of the Way by Red Arrow. "Despair Heart. You are under arrest for...." Roy began, but pure shock blotted out the rest of his words. "What- no! This has to be a mistake!" I said as I found my hands behind my back in handcuffs. Everything, as usual, was going too fast.
I looked back and forth at the members in the room as Red Arrow droned on, tightening my cuffs to the point where I couldn't feel her wrist. I caught eyes with Kid Flash, who immediately looked away, his eyes hard. I then caught Kaldur's, his eyes were devoid of emotion. Then I met Robin's... and I broke. His eyes were filled with so much pain, as if his eyes had just been stabbed repeatedly with a spork (Lmao hi Spork). I turned away first, my hands flying towards my belt as the cuffs froze and shattered. I grabbed the knife that was in my belt, not thinking anything.
The only words that went through my thoughts were; survival of the fittest.
I spun around on my heel as commotion began to break out as everyone made a grab for me. Kid Flash had tripped And the others being to far away to stop me. The knife glided through the air, guided by my hand, no emotions in my chest, and no thoughts in my mind. I then stabbed Red Arrow, directly in the throat. I pulled the knife away immediately, my eyes wide at what I had done.
I then shook my head and dropped the knife, the others too shocked to do anything but watch as Red Arrow blended out. I did the first thing that came to mind. .
I ran.

2 weeks later

I was in a city I didn't know, curled up in an alley, my eyes bloodshot as I stared at the wall. I couldn't sleep. Or close my eyes. Every time I did, I would see Red Arrow's blood on that blade. I pulled my hands to my face, and found that the blood that splattered from his throat was still on my hands. I quickly looked away from then, glancing over at a broken piece of glass. I stared back at my new eye color, a deep purple, for the thousandth time.
I smiled at myself and began to talk to my reflection, crawling over to it. "I told you that it was too much!" I giggled. It was then I knew. I was broken, most likely beyond repair. And I didn't give a single fuck. I continued laughing, and soon my laughing grew hysterical. I didn't care that the pain was making my gut hurt. I didn't care that the pain was making my face hurt. I just wanted to never stop laughing.

§The rose has fallen§

(I wrote this at.... Its nearly five am now. Excuser my grammar and spelling. I'll correct it when I get a chance))

Celestial Despairing Heart (UNDER EDIT Blood Heart Trilogy) Bk#1Where stories live. Discover now