Southern Constellations (A Pierce The Veil Fan Fiction!)

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The morning sunshine slips through the slightly opened curtains hanging from my windows. “Ugh.” I groan. Damn. I forgot today was the first day back to school. “Eleventh graders,” my aunt had said to me a mere two days before now. “You’re getting so big!” she’d exclaimed. Why does school even exist? It’s not like I listen to anything the teachers have to say, or do any of the shit the teachers give out for us to do.

I sit up from my bed, brown hair sticking out in every direction possible and I try to focus my vision from dewy morning eyes. I slide out under the sheets slowly and stand up. Opening my closet, I pull out a pair of torn jeans and a white t-shirt.

As I walk downstairs I start to smell the sickening sweetness of my aunts pancakes. “Good morning, Taylor!” She says excitedly. “Ready for your first day at Richmond High?” I glare at her in reply. “Brighten up a little bit. I’m sure you’ll make some new friends.” She says positively. But she doesn’t get it. She doesn’t understand the circumstances of my problems. My father is dead and my mother is somewhere else in the world leading on a new life. And I blame every last bit on him. I hate him. How dare he leave me behind in this world of nothing but hurt. It wasn’t fair. Then now, to complicate my problems even further, I had fucking school to add on to my list.

After washing out the taste of pancakes from my mouth, I grab my backpack and leave out the front door not bothering to say ‘thank you’ or a simple ‘goodbye.’ As I walk outside, I already feel the San Diego sun start to beat down on my back from the late summer heat. Beads of sweat slowly start to gather on my forehead. I pull out my phone from my pocket and read the last messages from my dad. “Darling, please don’t come after me. This place has been nothing for me but a complete wasteland. I’m sorry.” And then I try to shut out the memory of it all. I feel tears prick out from the corner of my eyes. “I refuse to show my hurt.” I’d told myself this for over three months after the accident and I’d gotten exceptionally good at hiding how I really felt.

I continue to walk further down the sidewalk and I see the school appear in the distance. The colors of blue and red encompass the title that makes my gut twist with utter fear. RICHMOND HIGH. Damnit. I think trying to pull myself together. Entering the school grounds, I see heads turn and peer at me curiously probably wondering, “Who the fuck is that?” I walk around for a few moments looking like a lost puppy dog. Turning around, I see a figure moving toward me. Like, really fast. I really needed to get new contacts.

Wham! Something hits me, sending my entire body flying in a fast, upward motion and then back towards the ground. I land face down on the cold cement trying to register what just happened. The guys who were talking in a small group of three turn and look at me, cringing their noses. I hear a chorus of “oohs” and “ouch-es” coming from every direction in the quad. I don’t realize till a moment after, that there’s somebody else laying across my legs. Struggling to get myself up, I see the other person. A boy my age, face down as well with a skateboard a few feet from our bodies.

“Damn, Vic. It’s the new girl's first day here and this is how you decide to greet her? A true gentleman you are.” A tall blond boy says, spitting at the boy’s unmoving body. The others laugh at his joke. “Are you alright, Miss?” he says kindly to me, holding out a hand to help me up. But I could tell this guy was a joke. One of the popular jocks that would do just about anything to get into a girl's pants. A player.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I wave his hand away from my face as if I were trying to shoo away an irritating fly. He shrugs and his group of friends walk away. I pull my legs away from the boy. He groans and mumbles something I can’t catch. “Are you okay?” I question just like the other boy did to me. He slowly lifts his head from the ground.

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