Chapter 19

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Cassidy's POV

We can all admit that in our lives, we've done some pretty crazy shit. Stuff that just seems to happen and maybe it hadn't been intentional, but there wasn't really anything you could do about it. This was definitely one of those times. 


I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. Reaching for it, I see I have a new text from Jaime.

From: Hi-Meh Time

Sent: 8:23 am

Hey Cassidy, meet me by the office now.

Ever since Jaime had come over to my house on the day that Taylor had passed out (from what I'd heard from everybody else.) he had been acting... different. And at first, I had thought it was just my imagination, but Jaime started talking to me less, he didn't crack as many jokes, and ultimately it seemed as if an alien had snatched the real Jaime away from me and the one who I was hanging out with currently was just wearing his face as a disguise.

I let out a small sigh remembering how rude he was to me yesterday at lunch. I had tried to rest my head against his shoulder like I usually do, but he shook me away from him and patted Tony (who was choking on his food) on the back as an excuse for the action. Was it something that I could have said while we were upstairs in my room talking? Did I make him uncomfortable in any way? If I had, well then I'd like for him to tell me what it was that I had done to make Jaime so distant from me. He should at least have the decency to tell me about my fucking flaws than ignoring me like I wasn't worth his time anymore.

But just as I had reached the office, I saw a sight that hurt me even more. Even more than him ever ignoring me. Because no more than a few feet away from me, stood Jaime in a brand new leather jacket and tight black jeans. His playful brown eyes were shaded by sunglasses as his arm hovered over the shoulder of another girl. He said something to her and I watched hurtfully, as she giggled in response.

Before Jaime had the chance to see me, I back away from the scene. How could he have done such a hurtful thing on purpose to me? I ask myself as I storm back to our secret hideout and curl into a ball of helplessness. You know what would really help me right now? A consoling hug from the one person who now hated me the most. Where did I go wrong? Why did he suddenly treat me like absolute shit? And the fact that he wanted me to go over there to see him talking to other girls felt like a stab in the back. I trusted Jaime, I liked him. Jaime was the very first boy who could make me feel like such a stupid idiot whenever I was around him. It was like a trance. But if that's how it was going to be then, fine. From this point on, I refuse to talk to him. I refuse to have any contact with him, and I absolutely will not ever speak his name aloud again. From here on out, Jaime was dead to me. Forget regret. I think to myself. I don't need him in my life. I don't need anybody.

I sit in the empty lot of dead grass and hope that the world will just suddenly implode itself, killing every one of us in a millisecond. Why do I always get hurt? Every time I get close to somebody they end up hurting me.

Just then, I hear the bushes ruffle and Vic topples through, face first in the dirt. "Vic?" I ask wondering what he was doing here. He stands up and brushes himself off. "Are you okay?" 

"I- uh yeah... Yeah, I'm fine." He stutters as we stand in an awkward silence. I'd never really talked to Vic where it was just the two of us alone. We always had Jaime or Taylor around to keep conversation moving. But now that it was just the two of us, no one really seemed to know what to say. "What are you doing here?" Vic questions. Just as I glance down at his arms, he pulls them behind my back so I can't see what he was hiding.

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