Chapter 14

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Tony's POV

Damn. I think to myself, panting in the hot sun that was beating down on my back. Sweat drips down the side of my face. I could really use an Monster drink right now. And I probably could have been... If I weren't running from a cop.

But obviously a good story doesn't start in the middle. So let me back this up for your further understandings.


I reach my hand across my still unmade bed and pick up my acoustic guitar. I let out a sigh of relief. Having the familiar weight of the instrument always made me feel somewhat reassured about myself and my chaotic mess of problems surrounding me. I strum around the neck trying to find a catchy tune. I was never that good at actually writing songs, but I did play it well. I knew that Vic wrote his own songs. It's not like he ever showed me any of them before or anyone else that I know of. 

But to get somebody like Vic to show you his personnel's... Well you'd have to be a pretty fucking special person to ever get that close with him. In fact, I didn't even think that Mike had ever heard of any of them before, and they're brothers. Vic wasn't too quiet, but he did have a lot of secrets. A seemingly mysterious kid to me. I, on the otherhand, didn't have many secrets... But there was one.

I swore to myself I'd never tell a soul about that one. Because I, Tony Perry, do not fall in love. I do not believe in love, and I certainly will not ever be with the girl that drives me absolutelly insane. Okay fine. I was crushing on somebody. But there was a slight difference between a crush, and your one true 'love.'

But I doubt that she even knew who I was. I didn't even think she was aware of my existence. I sigh, unable to get her out of my mind as I set my guitar back down.

I quietly leave out the front door, careful not to awake my dad who was fast asleep on the couch no longer watching the tv that was still running.

I walk along the small stores selling things like San Diego merchandise or long grey hoodies and Key Street clothing. But after the seventeen years of living here, I'd already had hundreds of each.

I pass the coffeehouse and I spot the girl of my dreams on the otherside of the glass window, nibbling at a chocolate muffin and sipping at a steaming mug of tea. Her long blonde hair was parted evenly on both sides and passed her shoulders, barely reaching her thin waist. She wore the same jean styled blue hat she wore oftenly. She stares out at nothing blankly, lost in deep thought.

Suddenly, she turns her head and her eyes meet mine but I flicker them away from hers. Too nervous to look back, I step into the same coffeehouse and order a black coffee. FInally gathering enough determination, I glance back at her. But she's not staring back. Her head is already turned back to the window as she continues to stare into space.

I listen closely to the boy that plays his music in the back. Right, I think. Today's Open Mic Mornings. My gut twists with a mix of emotions all at once as I hear his words. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me..." I mutter as I turn around and watch him.

"I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you.
Yes there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you.
I've seen the paths that your eyes wander down,
I wanna come too...
I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you."

The boy continues to sing with his melodic voice and suddenly he catches my eye just as he begins the chorus:

"I never knew just what it was,
about this old coffee shop I love so much.
All of the while I never knew...
I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you.
Yes there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you..."

He winks at me as he sings out a song explaining my life entirely. It's like... he knew. I shake the thought away because that was just impossible. But, my subconscious interrupts me. He could've seen you staring at her with your stupid love sick eyes. 

"Tony Perry!" The woman behind the counter calls my name as she hands me my coffee. I see my secret love's eyes flicker back at me for just a split second as my name is announced. I smile at her, even though she couldn't see me. Do it now! My mind urges me. I slowly step closer and closer behind her and just as I'm about to tap her shoulder I feel a rough hand yank on my shoulder. "Tonayyy!" Jonny shouts in my face, his breath smelling of booze.

I cringe my nose. "Jonny, have you been drinking? It's only nine o'clock and you're already wasted?" I question him. He shoots me a goofy looking smile.

"What?!" he shouts a little too loudly in my face. "No! Don't be ridiculous Little Turtle. That's just a fuckin' crazy thought." He slurrs his speech in an odd way to where it's almost hard for me to understand him.

"Hey Sir," A cop calls up to us from across the room. He stands up from his table and leaves his morning coffee behind him. "Are you drunk? Because drinking in public is against the law, young man." He says sternly as the cop places his hands on his hips. "Also, you look like you're in high school. The drinking age states clearly you must be 21 years or older."

Jonny smiles and raises his eyebrows as high as he can manage. "N- no, I swear that I'm not-" Jonny stops talking as he runs to the front counter and steals the first thing he can manage to get his hands on. A cheese danish. "Let's go, Tonay!" He shouts as he yanks me by the collar of my t-shirt and starts to run, leaving me no choice but to follow.

"Hey!" The police shouts as he starts to chase after us. I take one last look back as we bust through the glass doors. She sits at the same spot but instead of looking into space her eyes are wide as she stares in shock at me.


Which brings us to right about now. Just a few seconds ago, I stared into her eyes for the first time ever where she was staring directly back at me. The cop who had been chasing us is far behind. He must be pretty unfit because Jonny and I weren't even running that fast. "Jonny, let me go!" I shout at him.

He smiles into the distance like he was having a blast. "Calm down little buddy, we'll be fine! That guy can't catch us. His fatass is way too slow!"

I finally manage to yank his hand away from my shirt and he stumbles back in surprise. "Look," I say angrily. "You need help! Look at yourself! Your only 17, for fucks sakes! Jonny, you're a high school drop out, who's already been arrested and addicted to drugs! You're also a complete rip off! Don't bother coming around me until your actually a worthy human being!" I spit at him with harsh words as I storm away from him and his problems. 

Maybe I was harsh, but someone needed to say it. Jonny needed to hear the truth. I didn't like seeing my friend like that. But what kind of friend was I to leave him at his worst point in life? Maybe Jonny didn't need such mean words from the person he trusted most, but something other that I should have been willing to give. Help.


Author's Note:

So who's this mysterious girl that Tony is 'crushing' on? :) Don't worry. You'll find who she is in just a little bit. Jonny isn't a big character by the way. He'll only be mentioned or actually in,... I dunno... a few more chapters. Not entirely sure yet..

The song I mentioned in this story that the mysterious kid was playing in the coffeeshop was, "Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop" by Landon Pigg. Awesome right? I know. And the funny thing is I didn't even plan that. It just fell into place all too perfectly.

So vote, comment, and follow! I'll be back soon!


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