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seungcheol laughed while yeonhee tightened her grip on him.

"i swear to joshua (( ayy )) if you drop me, i will drop kick you to another planet!" yeonhee yelled and hit him with her fists.

"bye, sugar." seungcheol leaned his face closer to her and whispered before letting go off her as she fell into the water with a loud splash.

"oops, looks like i made you wet." seuncheol smirked his trademark smirk.

yeonhee immediately grabbed onto seungcheol's ankle and pulled him into the water with her.

"right back at you, elf-nim." yeonhee smirked back.

seungcheol laughed and pulled her close to him again. yeonhee looked away, avoiding his gaze.

"if it wasn't so cold, i might even kiss you." seungcheol said softly.

"ew stop." yeonhee pulled a face.

"why? you don't want a kiss?' seungcheol pouted.

"i want to get out of this cold sea." yeonhee shivered and shook her head, struggling to get back to the shore.

seungcheol meekly followed her.

"we didn't even bring any dry clothes! good job, seungcheol!" yeonhee crossed her arms over her chest and stomps a foot.

"you're so cute." seungcheol said abruptly.

yeonhee's serious look faltered and she smiled slightly.

"shut up, im trying to be angry at you."

"its not my problem that you smile everytime you see me." he grinned widely and felt satisfied when he saw yeonhee's smile grow slightly.

"cmon, walk me home." she gave up her serious facade and chuckled.

"at least give me a chance?" seungcheol threw an arm around her shoulder as they walked.

yeonhee looked to her side and smiled slowly at him.

"... okay."

"yess! let's go drop you off at your house, girlfriend!" seungcheol pumped his fist.

"im not your girlfriend-" yeonhee cut in.

"not yet." seungcheol winked.


a/n; the end! this sucked i know but thank you for reading ay i hope you liked this and do read my other stories too k (( shameless self promo ))

-yeolpancakes ♡

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