2. Chanyeol

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You were reading a book peacefully on your favourite place; rooftop. You always skip sciences and maths class because certain reasons and instead you read or sleep on the rooftop. You dont usually get caught since you were on the furthest building of the school. The only one that knew where you were and your favourite place was the kingka of the school; Park Chanyeol.

"Hey (y/n), are you here?" You heard a familiar voice followed by the sound of the door opening. "(y/n)?" The voice called out your name again. 

'Ah of course, the kingka, the only who bothers to come here..' You sigh. "Im here, Chanyeol, go away I dont need you here!" You answered sweetly but abit loud.

"Oh really~?" You felt his arms sliding around your waist. "Chanyeol what the hell you doin'?" Throwing his arms away. "Lets go back to class, you havent been attending maths class for weeks.." He said with his pouty lips. "Chanyeol you know I do--" He suddenly smashed lips with yours, not letting you finish your words. 

You really dont like it when this happens cause first, youre not in love with him, second he's a kingka and if people found out about this, you will basically be alone for the rest of your high school days.

You pushed him away, making him fall. "Chanyeol will you stop it?!" You yelled.

"Stop what (y/n)?! You know I liked you since the day we met but you.. Whats wrong with you?!"

"Liked me? All I knew is that you liked to bother me! You even embarrassed me when Junmyeon asked you if you like me and you told him Im a lazy pig who doesnt like to learn and Im also not that 'pretty', well, you're not even that good looking or a smart ass!" You threw your book at him and stromed inside to your class.

'Why the hell would the kingka like me? This is just another stupid trick to play me. What does he think I am? A doll? Tsk!' You thought as you walk to your class. You dumped onto Jaebum, your crush, you arent focusing while you walk, thats why. 

"Oh, (y/n), are you okay?" He said while holding your arm. What a gentleman, you though.

"Yea Im fine.." You smile.

"You skipped Maths class didnt you? Hahaha me too! Come on, lets go back!" He drag you to your class. 'Im falling in love too deep!! Help!'


It was time to go back home, you were packing your things; you were the only left because you were in the sick room, sleeping your headache away. You settle things and make your away out of the school. You looked at your watch, 2:30PM.

"Shit! Im late!!" You ran toward the main road but a car stopped you. "Mwoya?!" You yelled. The driver came out and drag you inside the car as you were screaming, hesitating at his actions.

"What are you doing?!" You looked at the driver.

"Young master asked me to pick you up." He bow and close the door.

'Young master..?' You thought. You had no idea whats going in so you play dumb and just sit comfortably, thinking of what the driver said earlier.


You arrived at your destination after about an hour of journey. As you come out from the car, you saw a very big mansion-- more like a castle.

"The young master will be inside waiting for you." He bow and open the mansion door. You peek inside and saw alot of fancy things. "Am I really allowed to come in?" You asked. "Yes, Princess, please come in, I will lead you the way, if thats okay with you." You nob crazily. "Yes! Yes please!"

You walked inside with the driver infront of you. "Umm.. Who is this 'young master' you were talking about..?" You said while looking around. 

"Its me, (y/n), Park Chanyeol." A voice coming from the stairs. You look up and saw Chanyeol in a black suit driling his eyes on you. 

"Young master, I have the girl you wanted me to bring." He bow as he greet.

"Yes, now please take her to the changing room, she needs something sexy and black, maybe laced?" Chanyeol command like a kind.

'He look freaking hot in that.. Wait.. What?' 

"As you pleased, Young master." He bow. "Please follow me, princess." He again lead you to a room. It was filled with clothes, fancy clothes, for a second there you felt like a real princess. 'I can get used to this'  You smirked to yourself.

"The young master asked for a sexy black lace for the princess, please make it quick." The girl nob at the driver's-- or maybe its Chanyeol butler..?-- request. The girl came back with a black laced dress that he request. 'Its nice but does it have to short..?' You questioned yourself. 'Oh.. Right, sexy..' The butler took the dress and walk to you, handing you the dress. "Here princess wear this and come out as soon as you're finish." You bow and quickly went into the changing room.

You came out after a few minutes, fixing your dress and turn to the girl. "Do I look nice?" You said while still fixing the dress. "Yes princess, you look perfect, now we need to do your hair and make up, come and sit down here." The girl pat a chair infront of her.

 "What would you like for your hair?" She asked politely.

 "How about a simple curle at the end and short side bang? Oh and dont cut my hair!". 

"How about your make up?"

"Natural peach? Add abit pink-ness, just a bit!"

"Shall we start now?"

"Lets do this!" You said excitedly.

You finish doing everything and finally came out from the room, Chanyeol, on the other has been waiting for you. You saw him standing infront of the entrance door, looking at his watch. 

"Sorry that I took so long, Ch- Young Master.." You bow. 

"No its o-" Chanyeol stared at you, which creeped you out. "W-what..? Do I look to much?" You fix yourself. "No you look very sexy and beautiful.." He said as he bite his lips. You blushed at his compliment. "You look really good too.." You smile. "Now, now, we need to go or we'll be late!" Chanyeol drag you happily to the car. You were sitting with him at the back seat.

"Chan- Young master, Im sorry about what I said at school.. I-"

"Just call me Chanyeol and its okay, I know you'll eventually fall for me~" Chanyeol winked. You chuckled at his cuteness.

'Maybe I have already fall for him..'

To be continue..(?)

Is this okay? I didnt make it boring right? Should I make more? Oh and should I just leave it like that or do I need to make part 2? Sorry if Im annoying tho.. 

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