Part 22

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"Can you see them yet?" I asked my younger daughter as we sat on a bench in the local school car park.

Lia and Jay were on their way back from being away at camp for 6 weeks. We had seen them about 3 weeks ago on family visit day, but now they were going to actually be home. It was the same camp Adam and I had been to, where we met in fact, but a lot had changed since then – not least having electricity in all the cabins!

"What's taking so long?" Adam asked as he sat down next to me, carrying Fin who he had just been pushing on the swings, "They were meant to be back 20 minutes ago..."

"The bus is always delayed getting in.... too much traffic in the city and they have a couple of drop offs first. Just relax, it's not like they are lost or anything!" I reassured him.

We had all missed the twins while they were away, mainly just because the house was weirdly empty without them and slightly because they would help out with the little ones when everyone was home.

I heard the faint rumbling of a bus around the corner and spotted the red camp bus pulling into the car park.

"Told you they'd be here soon!" I said to Adam, smirking at him as he stuck his tongue out, "Come on bouncing Bea... Lia and Jay are here!" I held out my hand as she slid off the bench.

We stood with all the other anxious parents waiting for our kids to come off the bus. It was a slow process as none of them seemed to be ready to get off, but gradually they stumbled off. I kept checking to see if I could spot either of my kids coming around the edge of the bus, looking out for their sun bleached hair and bright coloured backpacks. Finally, I spotted them.

"Jay! Lia!" I said, waving at them.

Lia looked over and smiled while rolling her eyes while James just smiled and went to find his duffle bag. Adam handed me Fin so he could go over and help with their luggage since they had quite a lot of stuff for the 6 weeks away.

"Hey Mom! Hey babies!" Lia greeted us as she came over, giving me a hug and giving her little siblings kisses.

"LIA! You're back!" Bea squealed, wrapping her arms around Lia's legs, and then swapping to Jay as he got close enough.

"Hey Jay!" I said to him, leaning down to hug him which he shook off slightly not wanted to look uncool in front of his new friends.

"Okay guys, go say bye to your friends and then we are off home!!" Adam told them.

I handed Fin back to Adam, after he had loaded their bags into the car, and helped Bea get buckled into her car seat while Adam sorted out Fin's. I then turned to watch as my social butterflies of children said goodbye to all their new camp friends.

Once everyone was in the car we headed home to relax, do a million loads of laundry, and have a giant picnic in the living room while watching movies to celebrate the twins being home. Most of the time food was banned from the living room because Bea and Fin would make a huge mess, but it had become a tradition for us before the younger two were born, and now was a treat for them.

"Lia! I got a new dolly while you were away. She's called Piggy like miss piggy in the muppets. We play with her later?" Bea asked her big sister, who rolled her eyes and agreed with her. Playing dolls was probably something she hadn't missed at all while she was away.

"What's the plan for the night mom?" Jay asked me from the very back seat of the car.

"We were thinking of watching a movie and eating in the living room like old times.... And then once it's passed 7.30pm you guys can decide." I told him, turning slightly in my seat to see him. 7.30 pm was when Bea had to be in bed by, so the older two knew that anything before then had to be 4-year-old appropriate.

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