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A shout out to @HadesRules for being the first person to star and comment any of my storys, Im giving you a mental cookie.

Anabeth POV

Anabeth lead the girl version of her boyfriend down the hall, away from the meeting room, a different room were the could talk.

The other girls were already their when they arrived. "Who are you people?" Pacific asked. "Im Anabeth Chase." Anabeth told him/her. "You may not remember me but im your best friend."
Then Pacific looked at her with sympathy. "Im sorry." she said.
"No its okay, its not your fault." Anabeth awnsered her. "If you forgot me it means you forgot these girls too." then she started to point at the girls as she went along, "Katie Gardener, Miranda Gardener, Lou Ellen, Calypso, Kayla (enter last name here), and Piper McLean."
"Its very nice to meet you all, for the second time." Pacific says.
"Don't mention it."
"Now will some one please explain to me why im here, who I am, and exactly what the hell is going on." Pacific questioned.
"First of all, this is camp half- blood, a place where demi gods live, training to become heroes. You are a so- daughter of Posidon. You have power over water. Your name is Pacific Jackson, you are 17 and your mothers name is Sally Jackson. She is married to Paul Bloufis a-"
"Wait did you say Blowfish?"
"You have a half brother named Tyson, who is a Cyclops. And you are the only known living half-blood child of Posidon, witch makes you head of cabin 3. Any questions?" Anabeth finally finished.
"Ya... What exactly is a half- blood? Do I have a boyfriend? What dose my mom look like? Do I ever get to see my parents? Bla Bla Bla blah Bla..." Pacific rambled on and on... And on.
"Ya we can cover this later." Anabeth said with a scowl on her face. "NEXT!"

Calypso POV

When we were done talking to girl Percy, we put her back in the waiting room confused look frozen on her face.
Then I walked up to the girl version of Leo. "Leona Valdez, come."
We lead Leona into the same room, same chair, same intro that we had with Pacific.
Then came all hell.
"What's happening to me?" she asked right off the bat.
"Well you seem to have lost your memory." I started
"No. F-ing. Dur." Leo retorted.
"Your name is Leona Valdez-" I started.
"you already told me that sweetheart." She interrupted.
By this point I was getting very tired of her attitude.
"Listen here!" I said slamming my hand down on the table in front, of her. "I dont have time for your nonsense, so sit down and listen!" I shouted at her. She became quiet and looked at my, slightly terrified. Then she leaned forward, the look of terror now gone.
"How do I know you, anyway?" Leona asked me.
I chuckled " you fell on my dining table."


I arrived as soon as I could, of course. Traveling across country takes to long the normal way, so I would have to shadow travel. Then there is the fact that I have not completely perfected my shadow travel so they are send over Mrs. O' Leary.
" I'll inform you of what is happening when I get there." I told Frank, ready to leave.
" I still can't believe they hav'nt told you what the deal is." He said.
"I have a feeling it has to do with Nico."
"How can you tell?"
"I, I dont know but I think it has something to do with this whole, child of Pluto, sole sensing thing."

Just then the hell hound I was waiting for came. With Clarisse La Rue on her back.
"Clarisse? Wheres Percy?" Frank asked her, from behind me.
Clarisse just let out a deep laugh. "You'll see" was all she said about the fact.
"Are you going to get on, or are you gonna stare at me like a googly eyed school girl all day" She asked me, then I realised I was starring at her for longer than I should have.

So I borded, and we went to Camp Half-Blood.

When we arrived, Anabeth was waiting for us.

"Anabeth!" I called, jumping off of Mrs. O'Learys back.
"It's Nico, Isn't it?" I asked running up to her.
Her face fell. "Anabeth?"
"You better come and see this." she said motioning for me to follow her. "We've already intervewied the other girls." Anabeth informed me on the way. "Who! What girls?" I asked her.
We stopped right out side of a door. "Hazel, primes me you Wont freek out like Kayla did." Anabeth asked me. "I won't freek out like Kayla- wait what did Kayla do?"
"Just promise you won't freek out."
Then she opened the door and led me into a room with a bunch of girls that looked vegly familer, but I knew I have never met them before. She walked over to a short pale girl, with choppy black hair, and sad, dark brown eyes.
"Nicole di Angelo, this is your Half- sister Hazel."

Lets just say, this was the first promises I broke

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