Chapter four

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Special thanks to @Ronaldo_cr77 for making the covers for my book and the one above. Thank so much.

Sorry about the typos and grammar

Chapter four

"How about no " he slightly moved her scarf near her ear and whispered it. Zainab's eye immediately looked up at his, she felt her throat drying up as butterflies formed in her stomach. She stood there not knowing what to do but just staring at his hazel eyes.

"Lower your gaze" said Zainab's inner voice, She lowered her gaze and shut her eyes as she took his scent in her.

"Pl....ple..please.."she said hesitating, she had to stay away from him so she placed her on his bare solid chest and tried   pushing him away, but it was no use the more she pushed him away the closer he got.

"Please leave me" she began to sob with  tear forming in her eyes, Cameron stared at her as tears rolled down her rosy cheeks.  He hate seeing people cry, he hated tears, Cameron hissed back when he finally realised what he was doing. He ran his fingers through his soft wet hair as he gulped his saliva.

"I'm so sorry ....I....I...honestly..... didnt realise" he stuttered, Zainab took that opportunity and ran out of the room with tears in her eyes.

"What the fuck was I about do?" Cameron asked himself as he walked towards the wardrobe and grabbed a plain white t shirt , tight black jeans, black blazer and his boxers.

"Where would you like to go ?" Wilson asked as he opened the door for Cameron but instead Cameron asked him, " what's the time ?"
"6:00pm "
"Okay, I need you to do something for me, finds out more about this girl , about her religion, family, friends everything. And it's okay I'll drive . I just need you to do what I told. Understood?" Wilson nod. Cameron sat in the driver seat and began to drive off.

She different from other girls, why would she reject him. No has ever done, girls ran after him just so that they  would  have sex with him. Why did she want that ? Did she not think he was handsome, hot, sexy? Why does she wear that scarf on her head? Why is she trying to her beautiful hair from him? Cameron thought as he drive towards his favourite  Italian restaurant
"Ya Allah please forgive me" Zainab whispered to herself as she shoves her back to the door as slides herself down. Tears  well up  in her hazel eyes as the thoughts of her family came to her, she was heartbroken, hurt , angry and upset. She wanted to cry until there were no longer any tears left, she wanted to scream so loud that she could lose her voice, she wanted to kill herself. Everyone through of her as a slut now. She is stuffed up, she hated herself as much as she hated her step-mum and step-sisters.

"Allah is always there for you" she heard  conscience say, she knew there was one things to do and that was to remember Allah, to pray to him for forgiveness and guidance.

She made her way to the bathroom that was in the corner of the room, as she opened the bathroom door she saw large clean white bathtub with soap and other products that was to be used on the edges. There was shower place right next to it, as there came the toilet. The sink was so clean and so elegant with a large mirror above it. The bathroom was so beautiful, words could describe it.

She quickly made wudu and prayed her Maghreb prayer on the floor without any mat since she didn't have one, after finishing she sat on the flor as tears well in her eyes.

"Ya Allah please guide me, protect me. Ya Allah I only have you now and I need you, I need you to forgive me. Ya Allah please forgive my mum, may Allah grant her the highest place in Jannat with my dad, ya rabb show me the right way. Ya Allah I'm your slave and I'm asking for help. Ya Allah look after Ali, ya Allah I want to commit jihad the proper way ya Allah. " she sobbed to her lord as placed her head on the floor making sujood.

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