Chapter 3:Best.Party.Ever.

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///Cameron's P.O.V.///
The party is almost starting and the auditorium is still half full. The girl, what's her name? Kacy is still not here. I really hope she's coming I want to make friends with her. She seems, lonely.
Josh in the meanwhile, was introducing the guests being a 'good host'. It was already 8:05 and the guests keep asking me when it will start. So I had no choice but to start the party without all of the guests.
"Alright everybody!" I said. "Are you ready to party!?"
"YEAH!" The audience said.
"Alright then!" Josh said. "DJ, hit the beats!"
The DJ started with a record spin and let out a killer song by the 'Fallout Boys'.
///Kacy's P.O.V.///
"Lyla! I see the auditorium!" I said.
"Finally!" Lyla said. "Time to PARTY!!"
The she ran down to join the party. And so did I.
///Cameron's P.O.V.///
"Hey, Josh. It's that girl Kacy." I said.
"Ohhhh,YEAH!!" Josh shouted. "Looks like she made it dude! And she looks HOT,"
"Yeah, she does." I said. "Doesn't she?"
"Hey!" Kacy said. "Cameron. Right?"
"Yeah, that's right." I said.
"You remember him how about me?" Josh said.
"Of course I know your name Josh!" Kacy said.
"Sweet!" Josh said.
"Hey there party people! Now, we're gonna take it down a bit so, hurry up and find a partner!" The DJ said as he played a romantic, slow song.
"Say, Kacy care to dance with--" Josh said.
"ME?" But I interrupted him.
"Actually,--" Kacy said.
"She's gonna dance with me Cameron." Josh said.
"No she's gonna dance with ME!" I said as I pushed Josh. Hard.
"Oh, no you did NOT just did not! You wanna go bro?" Josh said.
"It's on!" I agreed.
"Guys, I can dance with both of you." Kacy said. Surprisingly calm.
"Really?" Josh and I asked. Very surprised.
"Sure," she said. "C'mon, let's dance."
"Yeah!" Josh and I said as we grabbed each of her arm and led her to the dance floor.
After the dance, a fireworks display started to play.

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