Chapter 7 Josh

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(This happened at lunch about the same time with chapter five)

///Josh's P.O.V.///

I noticed that Kacy sits at the table outside the cafeteria every lunch time. Which makes sense, she doesn't have much friends beside Cameron and I. I think. There was only about ten to fifteen tables outside the cafeteria. There was the populars' table, the musicians' table,(which Cameron usually sits at) the jocks' table, where I sit. And a bunch of other neutral tables where not the most popular dudes are. Like, the nerds' table and the geeks' table.

"Hey Josh!" A friend said.

"Sup Cory!" I replied. After that, I went back to walking to Kacy's table, passing by the jocks' table.

"Josh," Cody called, Cory's twin. "The table is right here."

"Oh, yeah," I said. "About that, I'm kinda eating somewhere else today."



"Why?" Cory asked.

"Ummm, there's this girl--" I said, but Cody interrupted me.

"A girl?" Cody laughed. "A girl? Dude, what happened to pals before gals?"

"Well," I said. "Technically, I'm also got a pal with me."

"Which is?"

"Cameron." I said.

"Cameron?" Cory said. "That dork is not a jock. You know that right?"

"Of course I know that!" I said.

"Then why are you hanging out with him?"

"He's my friend!"

"But, we're," he said pointing to the others in the table, "cool."

"Did you just say--!?" I said. "You know what? I'm just gonna go." I said walking away.

"Josh," Cory called. "Come back here. Or else."

"Or else what?" I said with my voice stern.

"You'll regret it." He said, pointing out the word, regret.

I wasn't threatened. Both Cody and Cory knows that, I can see in their eyes the worry of me not turning around. I just ignored them and walked away.

"Josh, Josh!" Cory called, again, each sound getting smaller and smaller. "You'll regret this!"

- = + = -

I walked over to the very last table outside the cafeteria, that's where Kacy stays. And to my surprised, Cameron was there, with guitar in hands, and notebook and pencil at the ready. He was constantly playing around with some notes and chords and those other musician-y stuff.

"Hey, Cam!" I said.

"HmmmHmmmHmmmHmmm," Cameron hummed, while playing his guitar.

I sat down across from him,"Cameron?"

He stopped playing his guitar--

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