Chapter 8 Kacy

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///Kacy's P.O.V///

A while later after lunch, I attended my next class, Physics, today, we were going to talk about, Electricity & Magnetism! Two of my favorite words, although, I was a bit distracted because of what Cameron and Josh, did today.

I mean sure, at the party they did promise to sit with me at lunch, but why me?

Two of the most popular guys in the campus, and out of all of the girls in the campus, they chose me. A simple, none-attention-seeking girl.

I'm just a girl who loves to learn. I'm not that popular, I'm not that pretty, but I have some talents none of them which are doing make-up, cheerleading (not sure if it's a talent) and other girly stuff. But some of my talents are unique, not a lot of girls seem to do, (or know). Like, playing a guitar (I've got one in my dorm), writing music, choose simple, yet cool looking clothes, finding the solution for E=mc2 --

My professor called,"Kacy!" I was back in the real world." Tell me, how do you find the solution for the Newton's Law of Acceleration?"

Heh, grade school talk, I thought to myself, "Well Professor, the answer is,--"

'RRRRIIIINNNNNGGGGGG!!!!' The school bell shrieked.

Since Physics was my last class for today, I immediately headed to my dorm room. Until I was stopped by Lyla.

"HEY KACY!" Lyla called.

I saw Lyla in the hallway. She was wearing the school's cheerleader outfit.

"Kacy, go with me to the cheerleading try - outs!" She asked.

"Lyla, this is second time you made me go with you," I said, "can't you go on your own?"

"What? No way! You're my friend! And besides, you have a great opinion on dance moves!"

"Ugh, Lyla, I--" I started.

"PLEASE?!" Lyla begged me.

"Ugh, fine . . . I'll go." I gave in.

"Yippee!" Lyla said. She grabbed me by the hand and rushed me through the school to the football field,. Apparently, that's where it will be this year. Last year it was in the racetrack. With a bunch of sweaty guys around us trying to make it to the track team.

"Hey, Lyla?" I asked.

"Yes?" She said.

"Are there going to be other try-outs going on the football field?"


"What kind of try-outs?"

"Football try-outs."

"Ummm . . . aren't there sweat boys there to?"

"Well, yes. But at least this time they will be sweaty hot boys!" She said with delight.

"Oh no." I mumbled.

A few minutes later and we made it to the football field.

"Here we are!" Lyla said.

I looked around both guys and girls on opposite sides of the stadium. There were at least two dozens of girls lining up for the cheerleading try-outs and ten guys for the football try-outs.

"Hey Lyla!" Someone called. I looked at the direction of the voice. It was McKenzie, one of Lyla's cheerleader friends. "About time you came. We were just about to start without you."

They couldn't start the try-outs because, Lyla is the other Cheer Captain. I'll tell you all about it:

Last year when Lyla first tried out for the cheer team, she was accepted almost immediately. When their previous captain, who was about to graduate, nominated Lyla to be their Captain while she was gone. Some of the people, especially McKenzie, were all shocked. McKenzie, one f the oldest Cheerleader in the team, was suppose to be the Captain when the other Captain was gone. But, the previous Captain decided that there should be two captains. McKenzie would be the head captain and Lyla would be the second Captain. And amazingly, all of the girls agreed.

"C'mon, my partner in crime," McKenzie said," let's get started.

"I'll go to the stands now." I said.

///Josh's P.O.V///

I was in the football field a bit late for the try-outs for football. I was already part of the team. But, Coach said that we should be there because 'All for one, one for all' I mean who still believes in that saying?

A few minutes later . . . .

Ten more guys to go and I can go back to my dorm. The cheerleader try-outs haven't started yet. I wonder why. I wanted to see the girls do some cheerleading.

But, when the tenth las guy started to demonstrate, to more girls entered the field. One in a cheerleading outfit, another in a galaxy-colored long-sleeve, dark-blue pants, and blue sneakers. Wait, where have I seen that outfit before? Library? Chemistry Lab? Lunch?

The girl went to the stands, then that's when I realized who it was. It was Kacy! But, why is she here? Does she know I'm here? Is that why she's here? Oh, Cameron is going to love this! Kacy came here for me! I wonder if she likes me. She's pretty cute too. Maybe this could work out. I gotta get her attention without Coach noticing.

Hmmm . . . I know! I'll text her.

'Hey Kacy, what are you doing here?" I hit send. Oh, and by the way, I got her number from Cameron.

///Kacy's P.O.V.///

*Phone Vibrates*

I grabbed my phone to see who texted me, "Huh? Who is this? Hmmm . . ."

Kacy: Who is this?

Josh: It's me, Josh.

   "Oh, it's Josh," I said.

Kacy: How'd you get my number?

Josh: Cameron.

Kacy: I see.

           Well, what do you need?

Josh: Why are you here?

Kacy: I'm here 'cause my friend is a cheerleader Captain and she wanted me to come with here,

            Why are you here?

Josh: Football try-outs

Kacy: Your trying-out football?

Josh: No, I'm already part of the team, but, I needed to be here.

             Our Coach told us to.

Kacy: Alright, I gotta go, I'm doing schoolwork.

Josh: OK.

///Josh's P.O.V.///

"Well, that was disappointing." I said to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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