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Louis has been talking to this Harry guy for a while and he feels like he could do this again, he felt like he could be this guys submissive.

"Hey Louis" Niall greeted "still talking to Harry?" He asked making Louis blush. "Yes Niall..yes I am" he says smiling like an idiot.

"Hey you should ask if you guys could meet, maybe then this could be a new start for you" he said

"You're right...I should" he said smile plastered across his face

§"hey Harry can we meet up sometime"§

§"sure princess, how about this Thursday at 4:30?"§

§"ok :) see you then"§

"Well Niall it's settled, were meeting up this week" he says

"I'm so happy for you Louis, tell me how it goes" he says hugging the small boy

Louis hopes that this won't end up in disaster again...


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