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All the feeling that Louis felt before meeting Harry they've been talking for months now and they were finally ready to meet. Louis was getting dressed or..trying to because he couldn't find anything he thought was decent, he wanted something simple yet alluring.

He decided to go with a lavender sweater, black skinny jeans and his worn out black vans. He asked Niall to drop him off near the coffee shop that him and Harry were meeting at.

Once they arrived Louis hopped out the car and waved Niall good bye as he entered to coffee shop and see if Harry was there, there was no sign of him so he went and got something to drink and found a table to wait at.


Harry was very excited and a little nervous because he was trying to look for the right sub because his last one wasn't really a good one. He was hoping that Louis was the one, the one that he could keep forever.

He finally arrived at the little coffee shop were him and Louis were going to meet and parked so he could go inside. When he entered the coffee shop he saw the smol boy sipping a cup of coffee and eating a cookie.

"Hey love" he whispered

"Harry!" He said as he got up to hug him

The hug caught him off guard but he hugged him back, it was kind of long but hey what can you say they're just meeting each other. After that they just small talked told a little bit about themselves and Harry knew he was the one, Louis was innocent, sweet, and loveable who couldn't resist the boy.

Louis also thought the same he knew Harry was the just by the way he looked at him and listened to him. He was ready to be someone's sub again and he knew it

He wanted to be Harry's


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