•*Bad Baby

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Harry was going to work as he usually does , and Louis is usually fine but today he was sort of...clingy. Harry was getting a bit impatient with the small boy but managed to keep his cool.

"I'll be back princess, just wait okay?" He says soothing Louis

"But daddy I'm gonna be alone" he whines

"Let's make a deal"


"If you're good for daddy I'll reward you, how does that sound?"

"Okay daddy" he smiles

And with that Harry continued on to the door to leave for work


Louis was alone and bored and Harry didn't get back until 5:35pm and he was getting antsy, he needed something to do.

He wanted to be good but waiting is making him more annoyed than he already is, he felt like he was being ignored with Harry always working so he decided he would pleasure himself.

Even though it was against the rules he had nothing better to do and Harry wasn't going to be home anytime soon it was only 5:25

So he pulled his panties down to his knees and slowly make his way down to his rim imagining Harry touching him, he teased him self a little before entering his tight hole. He let out a moan picking up the pace while moaning Harry's name, soon he was cuming all over his chest some getting on his shirt.

It was now 5:30 and Louis rushed to get ready before Harry got home, he put on the same panties since he didn't mess those up but a different shirt.

By that time it was 5:35 and Harry was just arriving home and he felt better since this morning and he couldn't wait to make his princess feel good. He saw Louis running towards him and leaped in his arms, he supported them and carried him to their room.

Harry noticed a little stain on the bed and Louis' shirt in the dirty clothes bin when he gave Louis the shirt earlier after they took a shower, which seemed pretty seemed pretty strange to him and he knew exactly what he did.

"Daddy what are you thinking about?" He asks

Without even answering Louis' question he responded "did you touch yourself while I was gone?"



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