•*first impressions

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Harry knew he was the one, Louis was innocent, sweet, and loveable who couldn't resist the boy.

Louis also thought the same he knew Harry was the just by the way he looked at him and listened to him. He was ready to be someone's sub again and he knew it

He wanted to be Harry's



Louis was ready to start a new life with Harry, a new start instead of being depressed because of one person.

"Well Louis...would really like to be my sub?" Harry asked with a genuine smile

"Yes" Louis said

Harry pulled the agreement out and gave it to Louis for him to look over and possibly sign.

Louis looked over it and checked off what he liked and an x for what he disliked and then thankfully on Harry's behalf he signed it and they got up and hugged.


(1 week later)

Louis was enjoying his new life with Harry he even thought he was better than Liam to be honest. But the thing we didn't actually have sex Harry....yet.

He wanted to wait, they had sexual interactions just not sex. Just simple thing such as bow jobs, hand jobs, etc.

Harry didn't mind though he knew about his past with Liam and he wanted to take things slow.

Other than that they've been learning new things about each other and Louis has been a good sub so far.

Until he broke one Harry's rules..that didn't make him a terrible sub, he just made a simple mistake.

Louis went in Harry's office to use the computer because he was absolutely bored sitting in his room, one of Harry's rules were never go in his office without permission but Louis thought it wasn't anything major so it'd be okay.

Well...he thought wrong Harry came in from his job and he had some conference calls to answer. Once he went upstairs to his office he was mad not furious but mad, he was pretty sure Louis wasn't doing anything bad but he needed to be punished.

"Louis!" Harry yelled

"Daddy!" Louis jumped for joy running to hug his daddy

But Harry had a stern look on his face indicating that he wasn't happy

"Is there something wrong daddy?" Louis said with confusion

"What did I tell you about going in my office?"
He said bluntly

"Not to go but—"

"No 'buts' ten spanks and that's it" he said pointing to his or there room

Louis walked out pouty because he didn't think it was that bad but it was one of rules so he had to deal with it

He went into the room and waited until Harry came.

"C'mere" he said motioning Louis to sit on his lap

Louis did as he was told and sat in his lap and Harry positioned him over.

"Count, otherwise we're starting over" he spoke

"Yes daddy" he said with so much sadness

Louis felt bad at this point he felt like he failed Harry, he could've found something else to do.
The first smack was not that bad but it hurt.

"O-one" He counted

The second one had a little more forced to it, enough to Louis cry out the the number

After he was finished he hugged Louis tight and apologized, he didn't him to think that Louis was being a bad sub or anything he wanted him to feel loved

" 'm sorry daddy"

"It's alright love, just don't do it again"


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