•*Afternoon Snack

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Harry and Louis decided to go to the mall since they didn't have anything else better to do today. Louis was so excited to go to the mall so he could lots of pretty things, mostly panties because he wanted to please his daddy

Louis wanted to surprise Harry and make him happy today, but Louis makes Harry happy all the time so it just make ten times better.

So they were on their way to the mall and Louis couldn't keep his excitement in, Louis hopped out the car with a squeal and practically ran towards the mall. Harry just smiles to himself and he just admires the boy, the first store they went to was 'H&M' to look at some skirts and dresses.

Louis usually looked in there for dresses and skirts because he feels like they're pretty and for a reasonable price.

As he was looking on the clearance rack for a decent looking skirt he sees boy in the distance holding a floral skirt, he made his way over to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hi" Louis says

"Hello!" The boy says

"Umm..may I ask where you got that skirt from?" He asks shyly

"Oh! From that table over there" he says as he points the table next to some coats

"Thanks" Louis smiled

He went over to look for one in his size but in the way there he bumped into a familiar face.

It was Liam.

He was shocked, confused, and hurt all at once, all these emotions came flooding back.

"Hey Louis" he says

"H–hi" he stutters

"What're you doing here?" He asks

"Just shopping around"

"Oh you here with anyone?"


"Oh who? You're dating someone?"

"Why would you wanna know..."

"Look...Louis I'm sorry we could get back together and have everything go back to normal....please" Liam says as he goes to grab Louis's hand but he was to quick

"No Liam, I found someone new" Louis says with confidence "he's even better" he adds

Liam is irritated so he takes Louis where no one can see them and whispers "I never meant to leave you"

Louis is scared he wants Harry, he's completely done with Liam.

"Let me go please Liam" he cries

"I'm afraid not princess" he says and kisses Louis's neck


Meanwhile Harry was waiting outside wondering what was taking Louis so long, he was excited about coming but it shouldn't be taking that long.

He went inside to look for the small boy, he searched and searched until he saw him with another guy against the wall. He was furious, he stormed over there and threw the guy off of him revealing a crying Louis

"D-daddy" he cries into Harry's shoulder

"Shh baby it's ok, I'm here" he reassured and he hugged him

"Who do think you are?" Liam says

"I'm his Dom is there a problem?" Harry says angrily

"N-no never mind" he says as he storms out the store

Harry decided it was time to go home so he walked Louis out the store and to the car, as they drove Harry was trying to calm Louis down by rubbing his thigh until the got home. When they arrived they got out and walked in the house, then went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes.

"Daddy?" Louis says

"Yes lovely?"

"That was Liam.....at the mall I mean" he says starting to tear up again but trying his best not to cry again

"Oh..I'm sorry baby" Harry said as he pulled him into a hug and whispered sweet things in his ear

"Can you make me feel better?" He asks

"Of course baby" he smiles and gives him a kiss on the cheek "lie down on the bed, I'll only be a minute" he added

Louis scurried off to their room and waited until Harry came. When Harry entered he couldn't help but smile because he knew Harry was gonna make him feel good

"Turn over sweetheart" he demands

Louis complies

"Now baby your going to have to stay still for daddy, okay?"

Louis nods which made Harry lightly slap his bum

"Words baby, words"

"Yes daddy"

Harry crawls on the bed on top of Louis, he sits there and admire he curves and mostly his bum. He lifted his shirt a bit and kissed all the way his spine leading to the waistband of his panties.

"So pretty" he whispers as he pulls the fabric down with his teeth making Louis whine. He squeezed one of Louis's bum cheeks and made Louis wiggle, Harry held his hips in place and placed a kiss and started sucking then a mark came.

Harry spread Louis' cheeks apart and lowered his head down breathing against the fluttering hole.

"Daddy p-please" Louis pleaded

"Since you said please" Harry said with a smirk

He licked a long fat stripe along his hole making Louis moan loudly, he started to stick his tongue inside getting a taste of Louis and he tasted like heaven.

"Faster daddy, faster" Louis moaned grinding back on Harry's tongue earning a slap

"Behave" he growled

Louis tried his hardest not to move back but he just needed more pleasure.

"Daddy I need more" he whined

Harry kept up his pace along with adding a finger thrusting it in and out with his tongue. He lived for this making his baby Louis happy he loved hearing those noise escape from his lips, he wish he could give him more but he'll wait as long as he has to.

But he continued but he added another finger with picking up the pace, at this point Louis was nearing his release and he was a moaning mess his mind was clouded with Harry Harry Harry!

"Daddy 'm close" he whined

"Let go baby"

And he did he released with a loud shout of 'Daddy!' It was music to Harry's ears. After he was done Harry kissed the corner of his lips and admired the beautiful boy in front of him. He went to get a damp cloth to wipe him down, after that he climbed in bed and positioned Louis on top of him.

"I love you so much you don't even know" he said barely above a whisper but Louis didn't hear

There was silence apart from Louis' soft snores and Harry was looking forward to nights like this.


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