•Chapter 4•

34 2 1

Fatima's POV

April 2, 2013 Monday


6:05 pm


CeCe said that she needed to talk to me about something so we came to the bathroom. And I told Jacon(Prince) to text me when the movie was about to start wich should be in like 10 minutes since they said it was gonna start at 6 but you know previews never actually end until about 15 min. Anyway on to the reason why I'm in here taken pics with CeCe

As me and CeCe were talking pic we stopped to pose with me kissing her cheek then she posted it on insta with the caption "At the movie with my boo and the crew" and tagged me and my name it @FatimaBisshh

Fatima: so what did you need to talk to me about girl cuz I love taking pics and all but I'm still tryna see this movie

Then I noticed her head dropped and that made me sad to see my girl looking sad

CeCe: Fatima you my Bestfriend and my Ride or Die and sice you are I tell you everything that goes on in my life every little detail even the bad things that I haven't told anyone about but I tell you these things because I can trust you not to tell anyone when I ask you not to

Fatima: girl what's wrong and you know I got your back I'm not gonna say anything to anyone you know I woul--

CeCe: ILiedToYouWhenYouAskedIfMeAndChresantoHadSex

I looked at her confused cuz I ain't hear have the things she said but I heard a few words

Fatima: I heard ' I, Chresanto, and Sex now if I sum up those words to what I think you said I think it's somewhere along the lines of I had sex with Chresanto.... Am I right??

She had a guilty look on her face and dropped her head


CeCe: I didn't mean to it was a heat of the moment type thing and I felt all bad after cuz then I remembered he's with Alexa and then we come here and I feel even more bad because I see how much she really like him

Fatima: You still slept with him CIARA!!

CeCe: You kno I don't like it when people use my government name except for you Ray and a few others

Fatima: yea yea yea, sorry. Your not sleeping with him again.

CeCe: No

Fatima: It wasn't a question it was a statement, you know you shouldn't have done that. That was a slutty move and but it's not just your fault, it's also his..... N yes I said slutty move but I'm your girl so I can tell it to you straight up, cuz I know that's why your ass ain't going crazy right now tryna fight me

CeCe: Whateva hoe. I just had to tell you but I'm good now, I'm still sad a little that I did it but then again if Chres really did care for her he wouldn't have done it. And he seduced me btw. But other than that me and Chres are still cool, we're actually going about it like it was no big deal

Fatima: mmhm. What about Latimore?

When I said his name she smirked

CeCe: I think I might like him again

Fatima: Good cuz you is all he been talking bout since we got here

CeCe: shut up (she said laughing)

Then I got a text from Jacob saying the movie was starting. So I told CeCe and we walked out and as we got to the door of the theater I stopped her

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