I don't remember much but as a woke up it was pitch black and I couldn't really see anything (it was the kind of black that you couldn't see your hand in front of your face in). Yeh that kind of black...DUN DUN DUN. I looked into Barry (my hamster that Dan had brought for me yesterday) but as it was pitch black I couldn't see anything so... I started feeling around the cage and I found Barry.. All sticky and well it was gross so I quickly slipped my hand out of the cage and slammed the cage door shut.
I don't know what happened but a few seconds after what happened with Barry my door opened, lucky it was Dan so I wasn't worried to start with....
It wasn't until Dan was hovering over me I was starting to get a bit freaked out. Dan then started to take his clothes off kinda in the way hulk does when he transformed in well yeh hulk. "Hello Phillip" Dan started to mutter "I've been waiting for you to wake up you silly boy". Dan then took my head and started to scream in my ear "CLOSE YOUR EYES PHILL IT WILL BE "BETTER" THAT WAY".
I didn't close my eyes so Dan did it anyway he took Barry out of his cage and began to rub him in my face. He said in a strange voice "you like that don't you Phil, you like that a lot"I don't know what happened but when I woke up again I was stripped down to my yeh :/ birthday suit, tied to my bed unable to move I looked to the side and my neck clicked I don't know how but it was like Dan heard it he came into the room and put PINOF 7 on. Okay this doesn't make any sense.
After a while PINOF 7 stopped and Dan said "AHHH HERE IT IS now let's act out this sense Phil".
It was the dorito fic, "what Dan stop joking about" Dan obviously didn't like what I said and started to beat me with yeh his **** (u can image that word for yourself :D) "Dan stop I started to shout, this isn't you Dan what's got into you".me still being naked I was cold af so I asked Dan if he could get me something to wear, he then said who do u think you are Phil, I am about to give you the biggest organism of your life and all you want is clothes I am discussed in peasant.👋🏼"Or should i have said give me the biggest organism of my life, yes" he said with a big grin on his face "yes"