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"Ji Hyo-ssi..." His manager interrupted into her work. He sat on the empty chair, ahead of her. With a smile where he seldom shown to the his employers.

"Is there something I can get from you, sajang-nim?" She paused and looked at her manager.

"I heard that you had been working overtime recently. Is there anything I can do to ease your burden?"

She was already burden with the high medical bills from her father. But yet, she wouldn't want some sympathy from anyone just because of her father's illness. "No.. I'm perfectly fine with it."

"Ji Hyo-ssi..." There was a pause from her manager. He cleared up his throat and continue. "I guess you need some time. Away from work."

"Are you going to fire me? "Did I do something wrong? I will fix them!!!"" Her eyes blinked, surprised of her manager's sudden decision.

"Of course not!!! I wanted you to take some day off." He stood from the seat and laid a hand on Ji Hyo's shoulder. "Let's just say... You need a break from all these. Come back... When you need to."

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