The Reality

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Ji Hyo couldn't recall how often she met with Kwang Soo. Sometimes she would give some weird reason just to see him, though it's just a short time. Then she only realized, she felt in love with that man. The tall lanky man that she bumped on when she was in the cafeteria.

Out of sudden, she just wanted to express how she much she admired him, but it turns out she couldn't speak a word when she wanted to. Just as usual, she send a text message to him, on late night.

"Asleep??" She stares at her phone screen for a moment. She just felt odd of sending it when it's so late. She shakes her head and pressed the send button. She laid on her bed idly, doing nothing. Till her phone buzzed loudly in her grip. She read and smiled like a mad person.

"Nope. Am counting stars to make myself fall asleep. And you?"

She sat on her bed and reply him in a swift. "Just on bed. Ain't no sleepy yet. Probably going to get some late snacks before bed." She punched the send button and waited for the reply. It only took a minute or two and there's a buzz on her phone.

"Snacks? Seriously? You are one weird person I ever met. So what's the plan for tomorrow? When are you going to start your work?"

She giggled when she read the content. She just felt happy when he called her weird. She continued the conversation and began to reply in a swift. "I love snacks! I guess I'm really a weird person. So far, I didn't have plan for tomorrow. I will begin my work by next week. And I'm so lazy to work! How about we meet up again? I have something urge to tell you."

"Pig~ Kurre.. Let's meet up then. How about at the Namsan Tower? To tell you the truth, I always wanted to visit that area."

"Deal.. So we just meet at noon?" She send a question and hit the sent button.

"Noon? Isn't that late? Or you just wanted to sleep more for the whole night? Arasso.. Noon sounds good to me. Rest well before we meet alright? Goodnight~" That was the end of the conversation for that night.

She just kept smiling while reading. "I hope thing will goes well smoothly." She spoke in her heart. She was overexcited to see him again. As she was laying on her bed a while, her eyes was getting tired, and she slept immediately.


They both were excited of the meet up and they are getting prepared for the day. As they are heading towards their destination, they bumped onto each other at the subway station. It was a fine day to paid a visit at Namsan Tower since it's a cloudy day. As they both passed by the convenience store, they decided to get something to eat while heading their way uphill. They spent their time by strolling with an ice-cream in their hand. When Ji Hyo accidentally dropped her ice-cream, Kwang Soo gave his portion to her. She smiled and decided to share the same ice-cream with him. The scenery from up view tower was intense. They both were mesmerize with the nature view.

While Kwang Soo wasn't aware, Ji Hyo tried of pranking him. She knocked him gently, closer to the window. Kwang Soo was so frightened that he started to get a cold feet. Watching Kwang Soo who was a fraidy cat, Ji Hyo began to apologize while laughing at the same time. Thankfully he wasn't a quick tempered person. He brushed the joke off and nudged her head for the joke. They stood so close to each other, just a few inch till their shoulders are touched. Ji Hyo takes a deep breath and decided to speak out.

When Ji Hyo confessed her feelings, he doesn't seems surprised at all. As if he knows her feelings all these while. "Ji Hyo.. Thank you so much for the love and the bravery to confess. I'm really touched with your action. But I can't accept it."

"Why? You don't.. Like me?" Her heart shattered terribly. This was the first time her love was been rejected.

He brushed her hair beneath her ears, with a smile that Ji Hyo admired the most. "I do.. Always. But I can't have your love."

"Why??" Her eyes watered. She still couldn't accept the fact that he rejected her.

"Because... This isn't real." He explained sadly.

"What's not real? My feelings are~" She looked into his eyes carefully. They are all regret, love and also sad at the same time. She could feel it, deep in her heart.

"I know about your feelings. Long time ago when we met for the first few times.. What I meant is the world. It isn't real."

"Huh?" She looked at him with a confuse look.

"It's time, Ji Hyo." He said. He gave a kiss on her forehead and smiled again. "It's time to wake up~"

She didn't get his words at first, but slowly she felt odd. The figure of the man who stood ahead of her, was slowly fading. She tried to reach out for him, but he's no longer around. She realized that she was alone, in a pitch dark spot.

"Kwang Soo~" She called out with a sob.


"There's a respond from patient! Get the doctor!!" A nurse instructed her junior, while pressing the emergency button. The patient's fingers was responding. Her eyelid was moving, but they are hard to be lifted. Slowly, she managed to lift her eyelid slowly. Everything seemed blur to her. She couldn't remember anything, what happened to the day before she was admitted into the hospital.

"Can you hear me, patient?" The nurse asked. The patient just stares at the nurse with the blur expression.

"How is the patient?" The doctor rushed into the room with the stethoscope hanging around his neck.

"Confuse.. but she's starting to react." The nurse mentioned.

"Miss.. Can you hear me?" The doctor took a small torchlight and shine it at her both eyes. It's reacted to it.

"Patient?? Can you hear me?" The doctor as again. It took for a moment and she nodded weakly with the doctor's words. "Good to hear that.. Patient. I have to remove your oxygen mask for a moment to check on your condition It may be hard for you to breathe on your own for a moment, but we will reattached the mask once we are done with it."

She just nod weakly and the doctor removed the mask from her. She was panting, gasping for air. She wasn't used to breathe by her own since she's been supported with the machine for a long period. Within a few minutes, the doctor finally reattached the mask on her.

"Now I will ask you a few questions before giving you some space to rest. Do you remember anything before the accident happen?" She was in silent at a moment, and she just shake her head with a no. Her mind was still confused due to the bad impact before she fell into a coma.

"I see..." The nurse scribbled something on the report and waited for the next question to be asked from the doctor."You have been in a coma since two months ago, ever since you were involved in the car accident. Now... Can you tell me what's your name?" The doctor shot out another question.

"Ss-Song...Ji.. Hh-Hyo" She spoke slowly.

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