Let's Moved On

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"We are here, Ji Hyo." Her mother notify her who had been daydreaming in the car for the whole time. Ji Hyo blinked her eyes in confusion. The car was stopped at the roadside, where there's a small bungalow. Neat and tidy.

"Thank you for driving me here, omma." Ji Hyo thanked while unfastened her seat belt.

"Ji Hyo ah.. Whatever happened back then, please forget the man who you love, and moved on."

Ji Hyo heard every sentence what her mom said. She just went muted and slammed the door shut. Leaving her mom alone in the car, all by herself. "I will wait you here, Ji Hyo ah." Her mother spoken as she rolled down the car window.

Ji Hyo gazed at each spot of the house where Kwang Soo used to lived. The few flower pots laid side by side are still freshly alive. It seemed impossible for the flowers to survive that long at a deceased man's house. "Could there be someone else who lives here?" She takes a shallow breath and knocked the door with her fist, without using much strength on it.

She hears the door clicked from the inside. As the door was opened, Ji Hyo gasped as she met someone who's familiar.

"Kyung Soo??"

"Ji Hyo ssi??"

They both spoke simultaneously with a shock. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm asking you again, Kyung Soo... What are you doing here?" Ji Hyo questioned him with a deep frown appearing on her forehead.

"Me?" Kyung Soo gave a snort and answered her. "Funny question you asked actually. I actually live here.. That's why I asked you."

"You... With Kwang Soo?"

"Kwang Soo??? Hold on... you know him?" Ji Hyo just gave a half smile and nodded gently. He stood aside, leaving a big gap at the door entrance. "Alright... Come on in then." He nailed the door shut and walked behind Ji Hyo who was ahead of him. "Kwang Soo once told me that sooner or later, there will be a lady who would come over for him. I was surprise that it's you."

He cleaned the mess where the newspapers that was covered the entire couch. "Sorry for the terrible mess, Ji Hyo ssi. I wasn't expecting for guest at this moment." He filled the empty cup with drinking water and served Ji Hyo politely. "Here.. Have some drinks, Ji Hyo ssi. I got nothing much here, but just a drinking water."

"Thank you, Kyung Soo." She paused and sip the liquid from the cup.

"I heard from the others that that you were involved in a road accident, and fell into a coma. It felt so different when you weren't around. I sort of miss you for those time when you weren't around." Kyung Soo tapped his fingers on his thighs. Feeling embarrassed with what he just spilled out. "Erm.. You felt much better now didn't you, Ji Hyo ssi?"

"I'm feeling better for now. Thank you for asking, Kyung Soo." " And about Kwang Soo...."

Kyung Soo answered her in a swift. "I could make a wild guess of the reason why are you here."

"So uhm.. Could you tell me more.. About him?"

Kyung Soo nod and gave a bitter smile. He does feel upset when he received a sudden call from the hospital. Informing him about his best pal's death in the car accident. Eventually, Kyung Soo knew that Ji Hyo was the survivor in the tragic accident. He blame her at first of course, but then he started to think that it's Kwang Soo's fate. "Kwang Soo... Is a hyung to me. A true brother...thats What I could describe about him.

"So how did you met him?"

"Fate... That's what I would say, Ji Hyo ssi." "We both are orphan when we were young. I came before Kwang Soo hyung, just a few days gap. I was always the troublemaker, while Kwang Soo hyung is the innocent one. When I was in a bad trouble, he would come over to save me. Putting himself on danger. As we grew older, i was invited by an old friend to join a clan. I didn't know that they are part of gangster. I tried of leaving, but ending up got beaten for my action. I was afraid of telling anyone about those bruises I got from beaten up. But when Kwang Soo saw me in fear, he approach me and spoken to me." Kyung Soo was all in tears when he told her his past stories. He sniffed and erased the tears and continued.

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