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Ji Hyo please...You got to eat. You had been acting weird for the past two days." Her mother spoke while trying to feed her with the homemade porridge.

"I'm not hungry.. Just leave it aside." Ji Hyo pushed the meal further from her. She had no mood to speak up as well that she turned away, facing her back on her mother's sight. Ji Hyo was staring at the window, realizing the snow was falling heavily. She just couldn't accept that Kwang Soo had left. She had not touched her meals ever since she found out about Kwang Soo's death.

"Ji Hyo.. Was it because of the man?" Her mother asked sadly while resting the bowl of porridge on the table.

"He's real, omma..." Ji Hyo explained while trying to sit on the bed, but she was too weak that she let out a moan.

"Don't try to get up, young lady.The doctor had advised you to stay on bed for few days. You are still weak." Her mother pushed slightly Ji Hyo to laid her on the bed.

"Don't you all understand what I'm saying? I saw him. In my dreams." Her voice sounded irritated as her listeners never believe in her story.

"I know, my child..." Her mother speak calmly while brushing Ji Hyo's hair aside which was covering part of her face.

"But he's gone. Forever." Her heart ached once more due to the loss. She had never cried so badly just for someone she loved so much.

"That pain will need some time to heal, my girl." "You told me before.. and yet I never know this man you were speaking." She turned around and poured back the porridge into the tumbler to keep it warm. "So what's his name, Ji Hyo?" Her mother asked once.

"Kwang Soo. Lee Kwang Soo."

"Kk..Kwang Soo???" Her mother froze as she was pouring the porridge halfway. That name just knocked in her head. She looked at Ji Hyo with a frown and she asked a further question. "Are you... Talking about the painter?"

Ji Hyo stare at her mother with a deep confusion. She was surprised that her mother knows about him. All Ji Hyo brings up the topic to her mother was the memory in Namsan Tower. "How did you know he's a painter?"

"Of course I know.." She locked her sight into her child's eyes. "You didn't you check your text right? Didn't you?" Her mom shot another question.

"What text?"

"The one I sent before you are involved in the accident."

"I never read them... Why?" Ji Hyo tells briefly.

Her mom shoved out the phone from Ji Hyo's bag and shown her the unread message. "Look at the text that I sent earlier, Ji Hyo. And you will understand." Ji Hyo was actually tired to check on her phone, but eventually she did it. Her eyes were widened when she realized something. There was Kwang Soo's picture in her phone. Her mom sent over his picture just to alert her about him.

"Kwang Soo???" Ji Hyo lifted her head and did an eye contact with her mom. Her mom just nod slightly without a word. "You set up a date for me? With him?" Ji Hyo was disbelief that her mom had set up the plan for them both earlier.

"I thought you saw the text.." Her mom settled down on the empty chair and let out a sigh. "To be honest, he's really a sweet man. I really like him a lot."

"You met him before?" Her voice cracks. She tried to control her tears from falling again. She was tired of crying, but each time when she thinks of him, she just couldn't control her sadness.

Her mom gazed at her again, locking her sight on Ji Hyo's. She realized that Ji Hyo was trying to hold on her tears. "Of course... I too went his house once."

"How's he like?" Ji Hyo looked down and stare at her phone screen. The cheerful smile from Kwang Soo helped her to smile lightly. "In real life?"

"He's really a sweet man, with a good heart.... It's really a great loss that he's gone." A tear fell from Ji Hyo's eye. She couldn't hold it much longer and she just burst into tears. Her mom couldn't help much to ease her sadness.

Her mother wiped off the tear from her face and cupped her beautiful daughter's cheek. "It's okay, my dear. Just let those feelings out for now. My poor daughter had suffered so badly for the loss."

"Ji Hyo ah... Do you know what was Kwang Soo's biggest wish that he wanted to accomplish when I asked him?" Ji Hyo was lost of word and she just shaken her head with a no. "A good memory... With his girlfriend."


After the whole week of resting on bed, she was allowed to be discharged. The nurses who knew Ji Hyo found out that she wasn't as cheerful as she used to be. The only way she covers her sadness, was forcing herself to smile when she needed to. Ji Hyo's mother was currently settling the discharged process, abandoning Ji Hyo with the nurse in the room.

"Please rest well even you are allowed to be rest at home. We all wish that you will move on no matter what." The nurse advised while removing the IV drip from Ji Hyo's. "I know it's nothing much, but here's a little gift from us all." The nurse passed a 'Get Well Soon' card.

"Thank you.." Ji Hyo mouthed as she was touched of the nurses kindness. She knows that she was a troublemaker after she gain conscious from her deep coma, yet they tolerate with her attitude no matter what.

She swiped out her phone and gaze at Kwang Soo's picture. She set up the picture at her home screen. "I miss you so much, Kwang Soo. How I wish I could hear your voice once again." She chanted a kiss on the screen. Her bag was packed an hour earlier. She hung the bag on her shoulder and head off to the elevator. Instead of meeting her mother at the lobby area, she pressed a few floors above. She wanted to meet someone. A person who is special in her heart.

She paused for a few moment. She didn't know how to face him since she barely visit him ever since he was admitted in the hospital. Once she's ready, she then slide open the door before stepping in.

"Appa.." She spoke while sliding the door open. Her eyes met on her father who was fast asleep at this hour. She didn't want to awake him from his nap since she saw the dark circles that her father had since he fallen ill. The superman that she used to admire since she was a child, was just capable of staying motionless on bed for now.

"I'm sorry.. For not visiting you often for a while." She apologies with deep regret, while holding onto her father's hand. They were much skinnier compare to the last moment when she met him. She couldn't believe that he had struggled so much to survive for a long time. "Appa... You had suffered so much. If only I can reduce your pain.. I'm willing to take over your situation. I wouldn't blame you if you leave us without saying goodbye. It was hard for us too to see you sick."

She rested a long kiss on her sick father's forehead as she weep sadly. Without noticing, a tear from her father fell from his closed eye.


"Omma.." Ji Hyo spoke out once she settled down into the car. Due to her injuries, she wasn't allowed to drive the car. Her car was too damaged that it's no longer usable. It's already a trash. "Can I have Kwang Soo's home address?"

"Wae? Ji Hyo.." She released a long breathe and explained to her. "You have to understand the fact, Ji Hyo. He's already gone. It's already time for you to let him go."

"I know.. I just want to know him much better. "Her mom gave a word, which was a no. Ji Hyo wasn't pleased to hear the answer. Ji Hyo wished that she could just jumped out from the car and drove her car instead to the destination. With her injuries, all she could do was by begging. "Just once please.. I will do anything what you asked me to do. Anything."

Her mother wasn't happy with Ji Hyo's action, but there's nothing she can do to fight back Ji Hyo's stubbornness. She finally gave in and fulfill her daughter's wish." Fine.. So when do you want to go?"

"Right now.."

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