A Fatal Day

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"Rrriiiiinngggg....." Her phone was ringging on her table. It's already late night, where she decided of working overtime once again. She tried to ignore it at first, but was surrendered of the annoying tone.

"Yeobosaeyo???" She answered once she picked up the call.

"Ji Hyo-ah... Omma here."

"Ne, omma?? Is something matter? Sorry.. I've been really busy recently." She spoke while keying some data in her computer.

"You are always busy. Remember that you will be coming to pay a visit today? Omma had tried to reach you, but you never pick up the calls." "Appa is still waiting for you to pay a visit. He's hoping to see you today." Ji Hyo was stunned that she checked on the schedule.

Her visiting hour was supposed to occured two hours ago. She was indeed late for it. There was still 30 minutes before the visiting hour closed, but she would be using an hour to arrive her destination.

"Mian omma... I didn't realise the time pass really quick. I will visit appa tomorrow alright? And please give me a call earlier, so I wouldn't miss the visiting hours again." "Tell appa that I'm really sorry for not coming over today."

"Arasso..." There was a short pause on the call. Her mom let out a breathe and spoke again. "Before omma forget, omma had registered you for a blind date."

"Omma!!!!" She let out a higher pitch. She peeped at the window, checking that there's no one in the office besides her. "Why should I go for a date? I'm really busy with everything and I don't have the time to go for a dating life." She whispered on the call.

"All appa and omma wanted to see you with a good boyfriend, get married and get kids really soon. You know how appa always wanted a grandchild really soon. Your appa didn't have much time left to be in this world." Her mom paused on the call. "And just to let you know that this man wasn't a high employee. He's got a poor academic in school back then, but he's got a good manner. Please considerate about it. Omma will send a picture of that man later."

"Omma... We will talk about this tomorrow alright? I'm leaving the office now. I'm going to the bank in some money into your account tomorrow morning. Please remember to use them to pay the remaining hospital bill."

"Arasso... Please considerate it alright??"

"Ne, omma... I really got to go now. I will visit appa tomorrow. I promise that." The call was ended.

She let out a sigh and started to packed her documents and files back into her briefcase. Ever since she was in her college life, her life had turn into a disaster. Her father had been admitted in the hospital due to leukemia. After her father taken chemotherapy for years, yet it doesn't shown a positive result. There's a low percentage for her father to survive this time.

She too understand how her mother tried not to burden their only daughter. It was unexpected that her mother had borrowed a high debt to cover up the hospital bills. Facing with a terrible life, she had to dropped her interest on arts. With the intention of finding a better job for her future.

That was the time where she was determined of working hard to earn money, using them for the hospital bills. She was furious at her mom for the sudden decision, but she knew that her mom was just trying to reduce the burden. As the only child in the family.

Her phone beeps this time, a message send from her mom. She was too tired of checking the content, but only leaving it unread.


While she was fishing out her carkeys with her hands occupied, an early twenties security guard named Kyung Soo, lend a hand. "Need some help, Ji Hyo-ssi??" She just nodded with his offer. Kyung Soo holded her briefcase and followed her aside.

He knew Ji Hyo ever since her first day of work. She was always the first to arrive and the last to leave from work. That was the time they get to know each other. "Overtime again???" She nooded and reply.

"I'm taking some day off starting from tomorrow."

"I see... I suppose it's a good reason for you to release your tension. It's risky for you to work overtime. Perhaps you should leave the office when the working hour ended." Kyung Soo reminded her about safety.

"I'm pretty busy with work. But thank you for your concern."

"Ooh look... It's snowing out there." He told her while pointed out the dark sky. They both paused, watching some tiny white spot falling from the dark sky. It was the first day of snow. Winter had finally arrived.

"Make a wish, Ji Hyo-ssi." He told her. He closed his eyes, making a wish. So did Ji Hyo.

Once he placed her briefcase in her car boot, he slammed it shut. "Alright then. See you once you are back for work. Just get some rest please, Ji Hyo-ssi. Drive safely too!!" Kyung Soo bid farewell and continue with his work. She nodded and thanked him once more. She pulled over the car and left the office building.

The road wasn't packed with vehicles at that hour, yet she was driving carefully. She checked on her watch which was wrapped on the wrist, it's already past 10, yet she had not taken her dinner. Her stomach grumbled a few times, begging for food. She rubbed on her empty stomach with one hand and the other controlling on the streering wheel.

While she was driving halfway at the highway, she pressed on the break clutch to lower down her speed. She tried on it a few turns, and realised that the break wasn't functioning.

"Oh no!! The break isn't functioning!" With panic, she couldn't control her car and she accidentally slided it to the opposite lane. Where her car collided with a SUV car with a loud crash.

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